Victor Costa Lopes
2021Victor Costa Lopes has a degree in Cinema and Audiovisual from the Federal University of Ceará. Partner at Orla Filmes, serves as director, editor, screenwriter and producer. He directed the short films "Revoada" (2019), awarded as Best Short New Directions at the Rio 2019 Festival, and "From Tuesday to Wednesday" (2015), winner of the Critics Award at Janela Internacional de Cinema 2015. Victor is also co-director of the feature film "O Animal Sonhado" (2015) and the documentary series "Identidade #Transvive" (unpublished). He is editor of the feature film "Inferninho" (2018). "As Cores do Divino" is his first documentary feature.
As Cores do Divino
Victor Costa Lopes
Mariínha Pires, Leo da Silva
Documentary made from conversations with LGBT + people, united by a common thread: all have already been part, or still are, of some religious institution. The film provides an instigating panorama on the relationship between religion and sexuality.
As Cores do Divino

Бразилия, документальный