Slava Chaplin
2021בדמי ימיה
Slava Chaplin, Lena Chaplin
Sivan Levy, Moris Cohen
This modern adaptation of S.Y. Agnon’s story takes place in a small city at the edge of the desert. In this barren landscape, Tirza, a young woman who lives alone with her father, becomes entranced by Akaviah Mazal, a lecturer at the college where she is studying. As she gets lost in the secrets of their entwined past, enchantment turns to obsession and Tirza does everything in her power to get Mazal’s attention and win his heart. Despite the warnings and fears of those closest to her, Tirza pursues her dangerous quest for love. Will she succeed in righting the injustices of the past and break the tragic cycle of fate, or will she simply perpetuate it?
In the Prime of Her Life

Things Behind the Sun
Yuval Shafferman
Assi Dayan, Sandra Sade
Now that Itzhak's father is in a coma, and dying, Itzhak is finally willing to visit him, thus breaking a ten-year silence. During his visits to the hospital, Itzhak, a beaten and reserved man, is frustrated to find himself neglected by his own family: his wife, a long suppressed artist whose life's dream is fulfilled that same week; his twenty-seven-year-old son - a "philosopher" still living at home; and his twenty-five-year-old daughter - a tormented lesbian who has had no contact with her family for a long time. Itzhak doesn't realize, though, that his ten year old daughter, Didush, neglected and almost invisible to her family, is secretly visiting her grandfather whom she has never met previously and sets out to discover the old family secret.
Things Behind the Sun

מוקי בוערה
Slava Chaplin, Lena Chaplin
Yehuda Almagor, Efrat Ben-Zur
When Mooky is fifteen, his beloved father dies a sudden death, and his place is taken by Yanek - an impulsive, rough, yet generous man who is regarded as a controversial figure due to his doings in the Holocaust in the Zonder Commando. He brutally invades Mooky's life and turns it upside-down. During Mookys teenage years, which are affected by his seductive mother Tinka, he deals with unfulfilled love for one girl and a dominated relationship with another. One day Mooky returns to his mother's home, deranged, and does something from which there is no turning back. Twenty years later, Mooky must decide whether to attend his mother's funeral and re-open his wounds of the past.
Burning Mooki

Хотите - верьте, хотите - нет
Slava Chaplin, Igor Usov
Zinoviy Gerdt, Grenada Mnatsakanova
В один день родились три мальчика. Проходит время, и отцы начинают подозревать, что их сыновей случайно поменяли в родильном доме. В тайне от жен они начинают свое расследование…
Хотите - верьте, хотите - нет

גנרל שוורצפוט צד נמרים ורודים במדבר סהרה
Slava Chaplin
Motti Katz, Yossi Eini
It’s the Gulf War. Two soldiers, an American and an Iraqi, find themselves lost in the desert, and the relationship between them is seen through the eyes of an iguana. The American is trying to get through to headquarters so that he can be rescued. The Iraqi flatters the American, deferring to him as General Schwarzpot, and is willing to humiliate himself just to get some food and drink. When it becomes clear to the American that the Iraqi is hiding drugs, he promises him a good, rich life in America. At the moment of truth, though, he will leave him to his fate.
General Schwartzpot Hunts Pink Tigers In The Sahara Desert