Garri Bardin
1941 (83 года)Роб Саакянц. Последний Хиппи розового города
Anastasiya Popova
Robert Sahakyants, Garri Bardin
He's been called a 'wonderful troublemaker', 'comet man' and 'the last hippy of the pink city'. Robert Sahakyants was a renowned Soviet and Armenian animator. He was a director, writer and artist who created animated films. Robert Sahakyants used his work to express his particular view of the world around him. His animated films feature constant movement, whirls of colour and myriad wonderful characters inspired by Armenia. Robert Sahakyants was a true patriot to his motherland. The love for his people drove Robert Sahakyants to openly criticise everything and everyone he disagreed with. He boldly spoke his mind about anything he found troubling, from political events to ugly sculptures in nearby houses. The film features recollections from Robert Sahakyants's friends and family.
Rob Saakyanc. The Last Hippy of the Pink City

Волшебная Русь
Masha Zur, Yonathan Zur
Garri Bardin, Iosif Boyarskiy
A poetic view of Russian animation and of cultural and social transformations Russian society has been gone through. It is about multi faceted and humorous animation, almost never exposed to western eyes.
Magia Russica

Летучий корабль
Garri Bardin
Tatyana Shabelnikova, Mikhail Boyarskiy
Poor chimney sweep Ivan and Princess Zabava fall in love with each other. They dream of their future happy life, but the difference in their social status and the treacherous Polkan, who dreams of marrying a royal daughter and becoming a ruler, stand in their way. To avoid marriage with the royal adviser, Zabava informs that she will marry only the one who can build a flying ship. Now Ivan has to solve this problem by all means.
The Flying Ship

Кот в сапогах
Garri Bardin
Konstantin Raykin
The cat in the bag arrives in Russia as part of humanitarian aid from America and gets young drunk and mountain-the patriot Karabasov, which offers to emigrate to America. Flying on the magic cat which uses the tail as a propeller, dropped over Europe. There conceited young man forgets about the invaluable services rendered him puss in boots, and he returns ungrateful back to Russia...
Puss in Boots

Серый волк энд Красная шапочка
Garri Bardin
Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Svetlana Stepchenko
A Soviet claymation short film created by Garri Bardin in 1990 that retells the story of Red Riding Hood while incorporating political metaphors and themes about the USSR's demise; the wolf representing communism, devouring innocent creatures who have never known him.
The Grey Wolf & Little Red Riding Hood

Garri Bardin
Konstantin Raykin, Polina Raykina
Если ты маленький, а вокруг одни взрослые и до тебя никому нет дела — это грустно. Но если это еще происходит в новогоднюю ночь, то это — просто тоска. Фильм о мальчике, который сам себе смастерил из старых, ненужных вещей очень нужную ему няню — Чучу. И, как всегда бывает в сказках, Чуча ожила. А уж что она устроила для мальчика, какой праздник, рассказывать бессмысленно.