Manfred Neuwirth
2021Vom Leben Lieben Sterben
Manfred Neuwirth, Walter Hiller
Walter Benner, Brigitte Holoubek
A documentary film on the taboo subject of Aids. In the foreground stand five people whose lives have been taken many different directions because of Aids. They tell of the experiences which they or others have had with the disease. The "topic" is not the important thing, rather the situation in which the environment confronts one with resistance - often enough in the form of negative experiences - rather than mysteries. These experiences do not require definition or inclusion in a discussion which demands distance between the way of considering and the concept of the disease.
Vom Leben Lieben Sterben

Tibet revisited
Manfred Neuwirth
Composed of 28 static-camera scenes from everyday (occupied)-Tibetan life, each picture (without narration) a "narrative" lasting several minutes, these 28 views explore the contradictions between the traditional way of life and modernism's obvious invasion of Tibet.
Tibet revisited