Virgil Widrich
1967 (57 лет)Copy Shop
Virgil Widrich
Johannes Silberschneider, Elisabeth Ebner-Haid
Written by Jon Reeves. Wordless story about a man who awakes in his bed wearing his clothes (including a check vest). He rises, washes his face, combs his hair, and heads for work across the street at a copy shop. He inadvertently makes a photocopy of his hand, and then the machine beings turning out copies of photographs of himself, the street outside, and his apartment. He unplugs the copier and heads home. He repeats the scene we saw earlier. Copies of himself emerge from bed; baffled, he watches them go to work. Soon, it seems, he's part of a society in which everyone looks like him and wears check vest. Can he get things back to normal?
Copy Shop

Es ist genau genug Zeit
Virgil Widrich, Oskar Salomonowitz
Oskar Salomonowitz, the 12-year-old son of filmmakers Anja Salomonowitz and Virgil Widrich, had drawn 206 pictures in a flip book when he died in an accident. His father continued to draw the film with the remaining 482 sheets.
There is exactly enough time

Virgil Widrich, Martin Reinhart
Enrico Jakob, Heinrich Kröncke
Tx-transform is a new film technique that transposes the time axis (t) and the space axis (x) with one another in film. Normally, each individual frame of film depicts the entire space but only a moment in time (1/24 second). With tx-transformed films, it is just the opposite: each frame shows the entire time but only a tiny portion of space (the left side of the picture is "before", the right side is "after"). —Virgil Widrich

Die Nacht der 1000 Stunden
Virgil Widrich
Laurence Rupp, Amira Casar
When the ambitious Philip takes over the running of the family business from his father, he finds himself confronted by the mysterious reappearance of his dead ancestors. In the course of a long night, during which there is a murder, an illicit love affair and a game with false identities, Philip uncovers a closely guarded family secret.
Night of a 1000 Hours

Back Track
Virgil Widrich
Virgil Widrich compiles film excerpts from the 1950s and 1960s and translates the resulting remix of images through multiple projections on mirror and canvas constructions into a handbuilt three-dimensionality. The visual levels collide (physically), and dream and reality superimpose and dissolve: an audiovisual hall of mirrors in ragingly beautiful black-and-white.
Back Track

Vienna Table Trip
Virgil Widrich
"The coffee table is a microcosm of Vienna because basically, you do not need to leave the coffee house to travel once through the whole of Vienna. This idea eventually led to the idea of a miniature journey through the city, staged with saucers, cups, plates, knives, forks and souvenirs - garnished with projected memories and the many starters, main courses and desserts one can so often find here."
Vienna Table Trip

Light Matter
Virgil Widrich
The short film "Light Matter" uses a physiological phenomenon in which the rapid change of light and dark triggers color perception in the brain that cannot be seen on the film itself. Attention. This film contains flashing lights which may not be suitable for light-sensitive epilepsy.
Light Matter

Virgil Widrich
Romeo and Juliet in the microcosm of the human body... Forbidden love between the young Bacterium Micromeo and Antibody-girl Globia threatens the harmony of the immune system, leading to war between ambitious leaders, and finally awakening a genetic monster that is ready to exterminate them all. "Love is stronger than dirt!"