Boris Rytsarev
2021Емеля-дурак и Елена Прекрасная
Boris Rytsarev
Alexander Polyanin, Juliana Romaschina
Feature film based on a Russian fairy tale. A smart but lazy farm boy is sent to fetch water by his mother. He catches a magical fish that promises to grant his every wish if he gives him his life.
Emelya the Fool and Elena the Beautiful

Принцесса на горошине
Boris Rytsarev
Andrey Podoshian, Alisa Freyndlikh
In one of the realms, there was time for the prince to get married, but the bride would have to be a real princess. A sign was put up on the gates: “ A Princess Wanted”. But in response to it there appeared only a small girl, wet to the bones after the rain and bearing no resemblance to nobility. So the prince was obliged to venture off to other lands in search of a suitable match. Henceforth the prince’s adventures unfold. In one kingdom, he met a fat king, in another – a hospitable king. He also visited the kingdom of arts. He saw enough princesses, beautiful and clever. And yet, the real princess, the only one he longed for, proved to be the girl who had knocked at their door during a rainstorm…
The Princess and the Pea

Volshebnaya Lampa Aladdina
Boris Rytsarev
Boris Bystrov, Dodo Chogovadze
A young boy finds a magic lantern that contains a genie, and when he frees the genie he's granted three wishes. He uses the wishes to help the princess of Baghdad and her father fight off an evil sorcerer who's trying to take over the kingdom.
Aladdin and His Magic Lamp

На златом крыльце сидели...
Boris Rytsarev
Yelena Denisova, Gennadi Frolov
Two kings: Fedot and Amphibrachiy have been adjoining peacefully for many years. But once Amphibrachiy disappeared, and it became difficult for queen to cope with affairs. The state began to fall into decay. Also daughter Alyona absolutely got out of control. So mother decided to marry her. The king Fedot had three sons: Paul-tsarevitch, Peter-tsarevitch and Ivan-tsarevitch, whom everybody considered to be a fool. But he managed to gain Alyona's heart and, having won Kashchei the Immortal, set free the king Amphibrachiy.
Sitting on the Golden Porch

Podarok chyornogo kolduna
Boris Rytsarev
Elena Kondratyeva, Boris Shcherbakov
When Vasilisa was still small, the black sorcerer brought her mother an ominous gift - a chest with an enchanted wedding dress. Putting it on, Vasilisa could make a wish, and it would certainly be fulfilled. Once the girl was jealous of the blacksmith Ivan, and his eyes stopped seeing. Vasilisa had to pass the tests and strictly fulfill the sorcerer's order in order to restore sight to Ivan.
The Black Wizard's Gift

Boris Rytsarev
Vladimir Zelenin, Lyubov Sokolova
Двенадцатилетний Валера живет с родителями в небольшом поселке. В семье мальчика все подчинено одному — накоплению богатства. Этим же заполнена и жизнь Валеры. Он не играет, не бегает, как все дети, а целые дни работает. Даже рыбной ловлей мальчик занимается не ради удовольствия, а для того, чтобы побольше заработать. Но однажды на рыбалке Валера встретил незнакомца, который попросил подыскать ему временное жилище. Валера привел Аркадия Сергеевича к себе — и с этих пор у него появился настоящий друг и защитник. И под влиянием этого человека Валера понял, что нельзя жить так, как живет его семья.

Возьми меня с собой
Boris Rytsarev
Aleksey Zaytsev, Lyudmila Dmitrieva
The village orphan, Dunyasha first sight fell in love with the buffoon-bully Mitrokha. Love was unhappy, because Mitrokha was rude. For that and was expelled from the village. Dunyasha felt sorry for Mitrokha, and she went after her lover…
Take Me with You

Boris Rytsarev
Valery Troshin, Marina Tarasova
Из солдатских историй, рассказанных после войны... Главный герой попадает в штрафной батальон… Фильм о психологии людей военного поколения, которое было вдохновлено идеями всеобщего коммунистического счастья и в то же время и отравлено страхом, унижено массовым попранием справедливости и личностного достоинства.