Peter de Baan
Peter de Baan
Carine Crutzen, Jeroen Willems
One hour before the State Opening of Parliament, something very unusual happens. The Prime Minister appears and demands an adjustment to the Queen's speech. The speech concerns aid to Africa. Even with all the pressure around the State Opening, Beatrix goes back in time, and remembers her banishment to Canada, the visit to the victims of the Flood disaster and the turbulence suffered by her parents at Palace Soestdijk during the Hofman case.

Bellicher: Cel
Peter de Baan
Daan Schuurmans, Anniek Pheifer
Michael Bellicher wakes up one morning to find out that his identity has been stolen. Soon he learns that the perpetrator is using his stolen ID for all kinds of illegal action. Michael tries to find out who is behind all this, when, to his horror, his credentials show up at the scene of a big terrorist attack. Suddenly he is public enemy number one…
Bellicher: Cel