Federico García Hurtado
1937 - 2020Laulico
Federico García Hurtado
In Fuerabamba, according to the myth, the land dried up since, in ancient times, the world of the community was captured by the Iberian conquerors and taken prisoner in the Pamparqui ranch. For this reason, the Fuerabambinos lost their status as farmers and became rustlers. During all the stages of the hacienda to free the prisoner god and recover their status as farmers, they were always rejected. Laúlico, head of the community, makes decisions at the hacienda but then finds himself and his people once again.

Kuntur Wachana
Federico García Hurtado
Kuntur Wachana is a docudrama in which Garcia re-created the 1950s uprising of the Huaran hacienda campesinos against the hacendados, which led to the assassination of two union organizers. The film then follows the travails of the peasants until 1969, when the Huaran Cooperative was formed.
Kuntur Wachana

Enredando sombras
María Novaro, Julio García Espinosa
Gabriel García Márquez, René Monclova
Documentary that celebrates 100 years of cinema in Latin America and talks about the origins and the development of cinema in this subcontinent. Its structure is based in 12 short films directed by various Latin American directors. These are: 1) "Los inicios", Iván Trujillo 2) "Cuando comenzamos a hablar", María Novaro 3) "Jugando en serio", Jacobo Morales 4) "De cuerpo presente [Las espirales perpetuas del placer y el poder] Cine Mexicano [1931- 1997]", Marcela Fernández Violante 5) "Cuando quisimos ser adultos", Edmundo Aray and David Rodríguez 6) "Cinema Novo", Orlando Senna 7) "Memorias de una isla, Juan Carlos Tabío 8) "Un grito, 24 cuadros por segundo", Julio García-Espinosa 9) "El día de la independencia", Federico García 10) "¿Sólo las formas permanecen?", Fernando Birri and Pablo Rodríguez Gauregui 11) "Todo final es un principio", Andrés Marriquín.
Entangling Shadows

El forastero
Federico García Hurtado
Nacho Duato, Tania Helfgott
A stranger arrives in the country from a distant galaxy. He lands somewhere in the Andes near the small town of Paucartambo in Cusco. He comes from an annihilated planet and has been sent in search of a habitable world where his civilization can settle. When the stranger enters into contact with the village people he gradually regains his human condition. He finds love and sex with a prostitute, who is waiting for miracle, he finds a strange mixture of goodness and greed in the village mayor and his family and with the indigenous poet and shaman he grows closer to the bounty, beauty and unfathomable mystery of nature.
El forastero