Leen Vandereycken
2021Joy Palace
Frederik de Wilde, Leen Vandereycken
Sofie Hoflack, Liesbeth Houtain
After her daughter's death, Vivianne neglects herself and her house. Since twenty years, she tries to fill up emptiness with stuff. But the situation becomes unbearable and she takes a dramatic decision to get rid of her grudging sense of guilt.
Joy Palace

De Feniks
Jacco Groen
Chris van den Durpel, Leen Vandereycken
A modest man witnesses the deadly accident of a renowned writer and steals his manuscript. At home the man receives the sequel of the manuscript on the fax, written in the same handwriting. He decides to publish the book under his own name. He becomes very successful, until his fans start to ask for another book.
The Phoenix

Shorts After Dark
Wim Reygaert, Katarzyna Gondek
Pauline Billiald, Lawrence Bunton
To find real happiness, you need only to look within yourself - but what these characters find is revolting. An anthology of only the most disturbed short horrors. Only palatable after the sun goes down.
Shorts After Dark