Martin Reinhart
Virgil Widrich, Martin Reinhart
Enrico Jakob, Heinrich Kröncke
Tx-transform is a new film technique that transposes the time axis (t) and the space axis (x) with one another in film. Normally, each individual frame of film depicts the entire space but only a moment in time (1/24 second). With tx-transformed films, it is just the opposite: each frame shows the entire time but only a tiny portion of space (the left side of the picture is "before", the right side is "after"). —Virgil Widrich

Dreams Rewired
Manu Luksch, Thomas Tode
Tilda Swinton
Tracing anxieties about technology back to the 1880s, DREAMS REWIRED combines clips from nearly 200 films and newsreels with an insightful commentary by Tilda Swinton on our eternal love/hate relationship with a hyper-mediated world.
Dreams Rewired