Muffie Dunn
2021Diller Scofidio + Renfro: Reimagining Lincoln Center and the High Line
Muffie Dunn, Tom Piper
Diller Scofidio + Renfro has long been at the forefront of design with provocative exhibitions that blurred the boundaries between art and architecture. This film captures their extraordinary evolution and unique process in reimagining the public identities of Lincoln Center and the once derelict High Line railroad tracks.
Diller Scofidio + Renfro: Reimagining Lincoln Center and the High Line

John Richardson: The Art of Picasso 1927 - 1973
Muffie Dunn, Edgar Howard
John Richardson
We are in the midst of production on a one-hour film on seminal art historian John Richardson, and his work on the fourth and final volume of his biography on Picasso. Richardson shares his insights and observations on Picasso, whom he first met in the 1950s, with Shelley Wanger, his editor at Alfred A. Knopf (a division of Random House, Inc.).
John Richardson: The Art of Picasso 1927 - 1973

Jean Nouvel: Guthrie Theater
Muffie Dunn
Jean Nouvel
French architect Jean Nouvel has long been known in Europe for his bold, shimmering glass museums, concert halls, and high-rise towers. Now the much-acclaimed new Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which opened in 2006, is displaying Nouvel's remarkable talents to an American public. With a cantilevered lobby that extends 175 feet over the Mississippi River, the dark midnight-blue, aluminum-paneled structure has captivated the culturally conscious city and helped spur the rejuvenation of a once-industrial waterfront. In the tour, Nouvel takes us through three distinctive theaters he designed for the Guthrie, and out onto the cantilevered deck to view the legendary river that inspired the boldly elevated design.
Jean Nouvel: Guthrie Theater

Carrie Mae Weems: Speaking of Art
Muffie Dunn, Edgar Howard
Carrie Mae Weems
In 2004 Checkerboard had the privilege of filming Carrie Mae Weems discussing her body of work, comprised of 17 projects spanning more than two decades (1981-2004). This dynamic presentation was accompanied by slides of the artist's photographs and excerpts from her video art. The result is a chaptered lecture guided by Weems's seductive voice and passionate presence. The viewer is transported into her world as she details what she is trying to uncover, illuminate, investigate and provoke through her lens.
Carrie Mae Weems: Speaking of Art

Ray Kappe: California Modern Master - Forty Years of Modular Evolution
Muffie Dunn
Ray Kappe
Explorations in 21st Century American Architecture Series: Ray Kappe has long been a cult figure in the architectural scene in and around Los Angeles. In 1972, he founded the influential, avant garde Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-ARC), where many of the younger-generation architects have studied or taught.
Ray Kappe: California Modern Master - Forty Years of Modular Evolution