Klaus Georgi
2021Guten Tag, Herr H.
Klaus Georgi, Katja Georgi
Rolf Römer, Klaus Georgi
What would happen if Hitler came back to West Germany after passing the statute of limitations for Nazi crimes on January 1, 1965? Based on West German laws, he would not only be able to reclaim his private property, but also a restitution. In addition, he could demand to get his power back and the reintegration of German areas into the Reich.
Guten Tag, Herr H.

Herr Daff macht eine Filmaufnahme
Klaus Georgi
The camera is ready for the perfect shot! The bus driver pays special attention when he notices the camera. But the cameraman is actually waiting for the bus to depart, so he can film the wonderful scenery behind the bus.
Mr. Daff Is Shooting a Film

Ein junger Mann namens Engels – Ein Porträt in Briefen
Vadim Kurchevskiy, Fyodor Khitruk
Manfred Wagner
With the young Friedrich Engel’s letters and drawings from the years between 1838 and 1842, a unique cinematic portrait is created. The viewer thus gets to know the young Engels personally, learning about the significant moments of his development from a bourgeois-liberal upbringing to the theoretical partner of Karl Marx. Later be awarded the Gold Dove at the International Leipzig Documentary and Short Film Week.
A Young Man Named Engels – A Portrait in Letters

Die Panne
Lutz Stützner, Klaus Georgi
A man waits at the side of the motorway with a tow rope, waiting for a car to tow him. Many, many cars go by without stopping until the driver of a small dilapidated car takes pity on him. The rope is attached. The other end of the rope leads to a pot-hole in the road. Lurking insides the pot-hole is a surprise.
The Breakdown

Klaus Georgi
Кукольный фильм. У маленькой Моники был любимый плюшевый Мишка. Он недавно приехал из Китая и привёз с собой альбом с картинками. Самым красивым из всех был рисунок, на котором нарисованы китайские пионеры. Моника решила послать своим друзьям подарки. Но как это сделать? Девочка решила отправить к пионерам Мишку на воздушном шаре. О том, как ему удалось побывать в Китае, о дружбе немецких и китайских ребят рассказывает фильм.