Kajsa Næss
2021It Was Mine
Kajsa Næss
Is there really such a thing as coincidence? R. is scouring bookstore after bookstore in search of a remarkable book that he yearns to read. He finally finds it in the most unexpected way. A playful and offbeat reflection on the surprising moments where you get the feeling that everything is somehow connected. Based on a short story by Paul Auster.
It Was Mine

Kajsa Næss, Julie Engås
Bjarte Agdestein, Jørgen Lyngvær
A meteor shower occurs when Earth collides with particles and small stones from space. The dust grains in the Leonid meteor shower burn up as they enter the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of 250,000 kilometers per hour. This is what we call shooting stars. Every 33 years, there is a chance that a meteor shower will cause at least 1,000 star shots per hour.