Lori Felker
Robert Todd, Lori Felker
A correspondence film: rolls of high contrast black and white film were sent back and forth in the mail over the course of a year until the film began to reveal itself as a science non-fiction fairy tale, a speculative quest – circling and searching, falling and landing, entering and exiting – to recapture elisions in light caught within and between seasons, states, planes and worlds.

Lori Felker
A distorted portrait of an artist that explores storytelling, ego, delusion, conviction and memory. VON LMO is a musician/artist and self-proclaimed alien-hybrid who was a part of the late 70s New York No Wave music scene. Between trips to his home planet of Strazar and multi-dimensional travel, VON has also spent some very real time in prison and on the streets of Earth. Challenged with translating his Future Language for audiences across the galaxy, Lori, our filmmaker and VON LMO fan, gets sucked into VON's orbit and finds herself lost in his story.

The Pink Egg
Jim Trainor
Julia Zinn, Lori Felker
Luis Buñuel’s observation – “You can find all of Shakespeare and de Sade in the lives of insects” – was the inspiration for this experimental horror movie, in which human actors wordlessly enact the life-cycles of wasps and bees. Its purpose is to depict with emotion, humor and unnerving specificity an alternative society that really exists and has nothing to do with human beings. A highly stylized depiction of nature in all her deceitful glory.
The Pink Egg

Across & Down
Lori Felker
Frame by frame, letter by letter, this film aligns riddles/answers from 6 rolls of Super-8, with the structure, poetry and imagery posed by Ugandan crossword puzzles. Across & Down is a study of simultaneous simplicity and complexity and the resulting serendipity and chaos.
Across & Down

Bild Quilt
Lori Felker
Bild Quilt is a interesting little DVD project from the young avant-garde filmmaker Lori Felker that blurs the lines between harsh noise and psychedelia, experimental film, and digital collage art. Bild means “image” in German, and the crux of this project was to create a “virtual quilt” of original short films from Lori that are set to new peices of music that she commissioned from a variety of underground artists including Cotton Museum, Carlos Giffoni, Bradley Heiple, Intro to Pterodactyl, Leslie Keffer, Dave Kuzy, Jim Lingo, Mesaplex, Irene Moon, Jeffrey Schreckengost, Mike Shiftlet, Adam Strohm, Torus, Weasel Walter, C. Spencer Yeh, and Scott Young, with the only stipulation being that each piece of music need be exactly two minutes in length.
Bild Quilt

Lori Felker
Zwischen exists on the thin line between opposing forces. There is no grey between black and white, as Zwischen jumps from earth to space, mixes matter with air, and materializes inspiration at the insistence of the hand. Dirt moves over light to a hand-drawn soundtrack of noise and space.

Lori Felker
A strange untitled test film is found and revived. Thus begins a documentary project based on that film. That documentary is never finished. The unfinished documentary is found and a television show investigates it and its maker. That episode never airs. An interview opportunity surfaces a little too late, but… it should yield some answers.

Mere Mystery
Lori Felker
On the trail of Tall Tales, on a tour of an American treasure, on the path of an area once inhabited by people we don’t know, people we’ve never met, on a land complete with gift shops, parking lots, and sky rides, at the foot of a tree that predates and outlasts all of this, we now insert ourselves into a fog of layers.
Mere Mystery

The Mennonite Federation
Robert Todd, Lori Felker
A mysterious, amusing, semi-nostalgic ramble through a small town in Iowa gives way to what may be the U.S.S. Enterprise indulging in a bit of time travel. Dialogue contrasts the pleasures of the simple life with its hardships and the mere act of looking at a patch of mums is complicated by the addition of a loupe that both blurs and sharply focuses each flower.
The Mennonite Federation