Eric Holmberg
1954 (71 год)Among the shows Eric or his works have appeared on are: The 700 Club, 48 Hours Investigates, John Ankerberg, Beverly LaHaye Live, Point of View, Wake Up America, Mother Angelica Live, Truths That Transform, Heart to Heart, Talk Back, Praise the Lord!, Action 60’s, 100 Huntley Street, The Christian Channel in Europe, Focus on the Family Magazine, Time Magazine, the American Family Association’s Journal, the Family Research Association’s Citizen, the Christian Film and Television Commission’s Movie Guide, and the New American. In 2005 he also became a guest lecturer with the Worldview Weekend organization.
Along with speaking and ministering live, Eric has written and produced over thirty videos and live multi-media seminars on issues ranging from revival to rap music; science to sex. Hundreds of thousands of these award-winning videos have been distributed worldwide, reaching and helping to transform the lives of millions.
As an experienced writer and expert on cultural apologetics, Eric has also consulted on a number of book projects, providing a keen eye and ear both stylistically as well as in laying “the axe to the root” concerning many of the most critical issues of our day.
Eric has five adult children and five grandchildren and counting. He and his wife, Cindy, presently live in Cleveland, Ohio.
Shadows of the Supernatural
James Gelet
Eric Holmberg
Rarely in the history of Western culture has there been more interest in the supernatural. Hollywood churns out movies and TV shows that deal with otherworldly themes at a rate that is unprecedented. Studies and surveys confirm that despite the growing influence of science and philosophical materialism (the idea that the material world is all that there is) belief in a spiritual world is, if anything, on the rise. But while belief in the supernatural is strong, any type of consensus about what the metaphysical world is like is on the wane. Relativism and multiculturalism have fostered the idea that it’s “whatever you think it is…as long as you’re sincere.” Well, what if it isn’t? What if spiritual realities and decrees are just a firm and immutable as the laws that govern our material world?
Shadows of the Supernatural

Hell's Bells: The Dangers of Rock 'N' Roll
Erik Hollander, Eric Holmberg
Journey through the dark side of rock as Hell's Bells unmasks the message behind the music. There you will look squarely into the face of something beyond the human potential - the spiritual power of rock and roll. Hell's Bells - The Dangers of Rock and Roll is shockingly real most comprehensive presentation ever done on the musical seduction of today's youth coupled with a positive message. Eric Holmberg, writer and host of Hell's Bells, spent his young adult life immersed in the rock music scene. This first-hand experience coupled with several years of research has produced this video - the most exhaustive analysis ever done on rock's spiritual roots
Hell's Bells: The Dangers of Rock 'N' Roll

Hell's Bells 2
Eric Holmberg
Over seven years in the making, Hell's Bells 2 weaves together science, satire, testimonies, parables, interviews, expansive research, and a vibrant Christian perspective to create a video series that is as fascinating as it is educational and evangelistic. Far more than just an expose on the "evils of rock-n-roll", this powerful eight-part series uncovers the "war of the worldviews" - the epic struggle between good and evil, sin and redemption for the souls of men and the destiny of culture. Covering a wide range of styles over almost a century of music, Hell's Bells 2 looks at hundreds of artists, videos, ideas and issues as it takes the viewer on a journey into the "soul of rock-n-roll". Fresh, vibrant, and wonderfully compelling, this is one documentary series that can illuminate as well as educate - change hearts as well as minds!
Hell's Bells 2

Hollywood- Lights, Camera, Blasphemy
Steven Gregory, Erik Hollander
Eric Holmberg
"No film may throw ridicule on any religious faith..." So began Article VIII of the Hollywood Production Code, a series of ethical guidelines that for forty years helped the motion picture industry produce many of the greatest and most family-friendly films in history. That was then, however, this is now. A revered "historical" movie quietly takes every opporturnity to lie and twist the facts in order to make Christians appear as backward, foolish hypocrites. An actress jumps at the chance to play a Christ-hating role, saying, "I'm an atheist, so it was a joy." One of Hollywood's most respected directors films a passion play written by a disciple of Friedrich Nietzsche, the father of the "God is dead" movement. Not surprisingly, the movie's Jesus helps crucify people and later confesses that satan is inside him. A media mogul states that "Christianity is a religion for losers."
Hollywood- Lights, Camera, Blasphemy