Betty Friedan
2021Gloria: In Her Own Words
Peter W. Kunhardt
Gloria Steinem, Walter Cronkite
Despite decades of opposition from the right, and recent personal setbacks, Gloria Steinem remains one of the most outspoken and visible symbols of the women’s movement today. This film blends interviews of Steinem in her Manhattan apartment, archival footage, photographs from throughout her life and clips from press interviews over the years.
Gloria: In Her Own Words

Quelques féministes américaines
Nicole Brossard, Margaret Wescott
Betty Friedan, Kate Millett
A series of interviews, combined with newsreel footage, that placed the American feminist movement in historical perspective. Six of the movement's founding women, including Betty Friedan and Kate Millett, discuss the issues that most concern them.
Some American Feminists

Year of the Woman
Sandra Hochman
Sandra Hochman, Bella Abzug
Utitlising humour, fantasy, animation, poetry and theatrics, Hochman and her crew challenge the male establishment for ignoring the first meeting of the National Women's Political Caucus and Shirley Chisholm's bid for US vice-president.
Year of the Woman