Manuel Boursinhac
2021Noir Enigma
Manuel Boursinhac
Patrick Chesnais, Camille Panonacle
Молодая студентка была застрелена на пороге известной кондитерской. Ни оружия, ни подозреваемого, ничто в жизни и в прошлом жертвы не дает ни малейшей подсказки. Совершенное преступление? Параллельно комиссар Руссо продолжает расследовать исчезновение своего сына.
Noir Enigma

The Code
Manuel Boursinhac
Samy Naceri, Samuel Le Bihan
Dris is an ex-con, living in the borderline between a decent and a criminal life. He has a regular and simple work and lives a simple life with his wife Lise and loves his family. However, his childhood friends from his Arab community, including his best friend Yanis, are mobsters and his brother is a small time delinquent. Yanis tries to bring Dris back to his gang, and uses his former lover Nina to seduce him, taking him to expensive places to feel the importance of big money. Dris fights against the temptation, but an event will route him back to Yanis' gang and in a fight between gangs with tragic consequences for the whole community.
The Code

Un pur moment de rock'n roll
Manuel Boursinhac
Vincent Elbaz, Laurence Côte
Eric Renard is a drug addict torn between drugs and his dream of becoming a writer. After a failed robbery, he is sent to a rehabilitation center for delinquents in the countryside where he meets Kamel who will help him get off drugs.
Un pur moment de rock'n roll