Matthew Testa
2021The Human Element
Matthew Testa
James Balog
For 35 years, Boulder-based photographer James Balog (Chasing Ice) has broken new conceptual and artistic ground on one of the most important issues of our era: human modification of our planet’s natural systems. Now, feeling an urgent need to show how climate change is impacting his own country, Balog creates stunning images that reveal how environmental problems are affecting the lives of average Americans.
The Human Element

Matthew Testa
Shay Carl, Hank Green
YouTube may have begun as a website for videos of cats and funny babies, but it is now home to vloggers: video diarists who have conjured a massive audience and wild financial success by filming themselves, their thoughts and their daily lives. Vlogumentary pulls the curtain back on this new media revolution by following some of the top vloggers in the business, examining how they work, what they have to say and why their fans prefer videos of real life over traditional entertainment. Featuring Shay Carl, Swoozie, Grace Helbig, Charles Trippy and Gaby Dunn, Mikey Murphy.