Bill Tytla
1904 - 1968Song of the Birds
Bill Tytla
Audrey is enjoying her air rifle, until she shoots down a baby bird and is filled with remorse until she sees it survived. The other birds, however, don't believe she's sincere about her reformation (even after she destroys the rifle), until the baby bird proves it. A remake of a March 1, 1935 Max Fleischer Color Classic of the same name. (Actually The Song of the Birds, the 'the' was dropped)
Song of the Birds

Service with a Guile
Bill Tytla
Harry Welch, Mae Questel
Olive runs a service station. The admiral pulls in and asks Olive to put some air in his tire, as he heads off to a cigar store. Meanwhile, the boys stop by on a 24-hour leave, and start to be "helpful" - which of course means that the tire, then the entire car, are in serious trouble. Not that Popeye doesn't do some amazing things to save the car; he carries it, atop a hoist, to the top of a very tall building under construction, then outruns it as it falls, and catches it, unscathed; the car is demolished, however, when Bluto snatches the hoist away and lets the car fall the remaining couple of meters onto Popeye. Spinach time: He manages to rebuild the car, apparently good as new, in the time it takes the admiral to walk back from the cigar store, so Bluto shoves him away to take credit. But the car falls to pieces when it's started, and the admiral puts Bluto on rust-scraping duty as Popeye and Olive float by in a rowboat.
Service with a Guile

Sudden Fried Chicken
Bill Tytla, Orestes Calpini
"Sudden Fried Chicken" stars Herman (a mouse) and Henry (a rooster). Herman notices a poster that will award $1,000 to anyone who will stay in the ring for one round against a champion boxing rooster. He goes to Henry, who is feeling really low about himself, as he is getting bossed and pushed around by his wife. One thing leads to another, and the scrawny Henry is going up against the Champ!
Sudden Fried Chicken

The Bored Cuckoo
Bill Tytla
Cadmus Cuckoo, who inhabits a clock, gets fed up dashing between his bed and the door of the clock every hour on the hour 24/7. And he is lonely. He leaves the clock, goes out into the world. meets a pretty songbird, woos her and wins her, gets married and brings her back to the clock with him.
The Bored Cuckoo

Jitterbug Jive
Bill Tytla, George Germanetti
Jack Mercer, Mae Questel
Olive has invited the boys over, but finds Popeye old-fashioned compared to the zoot-suited Bluto. Popeye wants to dance a waltz, pull taffy, play pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and croquet, and bob for apples, but Olive turns up her nose at all these as Bluto sabotages them. Finally, Bluto pours quick-drying cement in the apple water and drives off with Olive. Popeye, encased in cement, rolls downhill into a vegetable shop, right next to a bin of spinach. Good thing, because Bluto's getting fresh in a very old-fashioned way. A zoot-suited Popeye stops him, and gets the girl.
Jitterbug Jive

Rocket to Mars
Bill Tytla
Jack Mercer, Floyd Buckley
Popeye and Olive are touring a museum when they accidentally launch a rocketship to Mars. Olive escapes, but Popeye gets to Mars, where he is attacked (by a group led by Bluto) that was preparing to invade Earth. Fortunately, Popeye has a can of spinach handy, so he can save the Earth (turning most of the Martian war apparatus into amusement park rides).
Rocket to Mars

The Wee Men
Bill Tytla
Jackson Beck
A yarn about the mythical Leprechauns who reside in Ireland and their crock of gold. The legend says that if anyone succeeds in capturing one of the wee men, the little person must then lead them to where the gold is hidden. Young Patrick, on his 121st birthday---that is correct, his 121st birthday---is permitted to do a good deed, and delivers new shoes to the homes of the poor. But, alas, the town miser spots him and succeeds in capturing him. Patrick leads the miser to the spot of the gold, a tree stump, and promises, as the legend says, not to remove it while the old miser rushes home for a shovel. But, when he returns he now finds hundreds of tree stumps, and is foiled. Young Patrick is welcomed back home with a birthday cake...with 121 candles.
The Wee Men

Popeye Meets Hercules
Bill Tytla
Jack Mercer
The first Olympics, starring Hercules (looking, but not quite sounding, like a really pumped-up Bluto), who challenges anyone to do the same feats as him. Popeye takes that challenge, of course. First, they battle animals, with Bluto pulling the skins off two wild elephants and Popeye turning three lions into a nesting set. The discus throw doesn't go well, with Herc's disc swooping Popeye into Herc's hand. The javelin is even worse for Popeye, with Herc throwing him all the way to the moon. This gives him a chance to go after Olive in typical Bluto fashion; her cries of help reach Popeye, who prays to the Greek goddess Spinachia, who delivers a can of spinach to him.
Popeye Meets Hercules