Chaerul Umam
1943 - 2013He passed away in October 3rd, 2013.
Keluarga Markun
Chaerul Umam
Ikranagara, Lydia Kandou
The sequel of Kejarlah Daku Kau Kutangkap (1986), tells Markum and Marni whose now have a teenage daughter while Ramadan and Ramona have a son. After years of marriage, Markum and Marni, still strive for harmony.
Markum's Family

Bintang Kejora
Chaerul Umam
El Manik, Rini S. Bono
Bintang Kejora, an adventurer, is a drug seller who is boastful. He is blacklisted everywhere for being a fraud. One time he comes to a drought-stricken village, merely to see a girl he caught a glimpse of, sticking her head out of the window of a passing bus.
Bintang Kejora

Sama Juga Bohong
Chaerul Umam
Dono, Kasino
Dono, Kasino and Indro is a student boarding house parent Nia, the beautiful girl. Dono and his two friends managed to make the robot to be commercialized. They also met with Chintami top singers. This singer together they hold a charity show for the home repair Ayu and orphaned nearly collapsed. When the show is almost underway, Chintami not appeared since detained managers who do not agree with the plan of the show. With witty style, Dono managed to bring Chintami to the venue. Chintami managers chase up on stage and make a show of their own.
Sama Juga Bohong

Cinta Suci Zahrana
Chaerul Umam
Meyda Sefira, Miller Khan
Siti Zahrana’s academical success makes her parents worried. Zahrana hasn’t married by her early thirties. There have been many men who solicited her, but she has refused them all politely. Zahrana’s conflicting issues spring up: to follow her parents’ wish or to pursue her own dreams. Actually she has relented once. She turns down a teaching post at Gadjah Mada University. The reason, her parents who live in Semarang don’t want her to be away. So Zahrana teaches at a Semarang university and stays with them. Then she also passes up a doctoral scholarship opportunity from China.
Cinta Suci Zahrana

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2
Chaerul Umam
Kholidi Asadil Alam
With background experience for entrepreneurship in Egypt, Azzam was not discouraged even to start business on its own. But how to get married, it is always alluded to by his mother. Women who his admired, Anna Althafunnisa has been proposed by his best friend. Whereas with Eliana whom he not love, it create much confusion. Azzam also trying to find his moorings, although quite a lot of the barriers that they face, which then makes it almost hopeless.
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih
Chaerul Umam
Kholidi Asadil Alam, Oki Setiana Dewi
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih berfokus pada perjalanan tokoh Azzam (M. Cholidi Asadil Alam), seorang mahasiswa Indonesia yang menuntut ilmu di Universitas Al Azhar Kairo-Mesir. Kuliahnya tertunda selama 9 tahun setelah ayahnya meninggal dunia, sehingga demi menghidupi dirinya dan keluarganya di Solo Azzam berdagang bakso dan tempe di Kairo-Mesir.
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih

Nada dan Dakwah
Chaerul Umam
Rhoma Irama, W.D. Mochtar
The people of Pandanwangi village are upset at news that their land will be appropriated by a large conglomerate. Conflict over the land emerges and escalates between the villagers and representatives of the conglomerate. The villagers have come to view the situation as more of a matter of morality than of land ownership after finding out that a bar and billiards center will be built there. The head of the village’s Islamic boarding school, H. Murad, who is assisted by H. Rhoma, attempts to influence the villagers to refuse to sell their land. Eventually, the charismatic religious leader KH Zainuddin MZ succeeds in mediating the conflict, and even influences the conglomerate owner, Bustomi (WD. Mochtar), to rethink his plans. The land conflict theme of this film is interesting in that it reflects the social issues arising out of the rapid pace of development of the time. This may be Rhoma Irama’s best film, even though it was not very popular.
Nada dan Dakwah

Joe Turun ke Desa
Chaerul Umam
Didi Petet, Meriam Bellina
City students come to the village for KKN with all their arrogance and pretentiousness, led by a fat student named Joe (Didi Petet). Many problems arise, starting from Budi (James Lapian) and Imam (Leroy Oesmani) who are not doing KKN well, but instead competing for a beautiful village flower named Neneng (Deasy Ratnasari). Likewise with Pinky (Meriam Bellina) and May (Sylvana Herman) who went down to the village as if they were going to shop at an elite shop. Their arrival also made the village hoodlums feel angry, so that the KKN activities were disturbed.
Joe Turun ke Desa

Oom Pasikom
Chaerul Umam
Lenny Marlina, Didi Petet
Like the film’s title, Parody of the Capital resembles a sketch of the community. Oom Pasikom, a cab driver, is stingy because of his measly income. Conversely, his wife moves within the high social circle and is a spendthrift due to her business as jewelry broker. Through Oom Pasikom’s glasses, small stories of the city are told - the ladies’ social gathering, lonely wives, the cleaning of the city and how it affects the small businesses, a student who is writing her thesis and so on.
Oom Pasikom

Imam Tantowi, Chaerul Umam
Igo Ilham, Linda Jatmika
Disappointed after seeing his homeland, Pasai, destroyed by the Portuguese, Fadhilah Khan, later known as Fatahillah or Fala Tehan, completes his education in the Holy Land, then joins Sultan Trenggono who rules the Sultanate of Demak. He gains a respectable position as a cleric, then marries the sister of the Emperor, Ratu Pembayun, and Ratu Ayu, the widow of Pati Unus, who died in the battle against the Portuguese in Malacca. The Portuguese want to establish a fort at Sunda Kelapa. But the Sultanate of Demak is determined to wage a war against the Portuguese. Fatahillah is elected as the commanding officer, and he conquers Sunda Kelapa, and changes its name to Jayakarta, which later became Jakarta.

Ramadhan dan Ramona
Chaerul Umam
Jamal Mirdad, Lydia Kandou
The story of two young people from wealthy families who are looking for their own individual identities. Ramona (Lydia Kandou), who hates the patriarchal attitude men have toward women, immerses herself in the lives of the less fortunate people around her. Ramadhan (Djamal Mirdad), who is descended from Malaysian nobility, is in Jakarta gaining work experience as a low level company employee. The two young people meet in Jakarta and begin to like each other. The blossoming romance between these two young people who are each keeping their backgrounds secret from the other conveyed in a light and humorous tone. Eventually, however, they find out about each others' backgrounds. Ramona backs off, while Ramadhan continues to pursue her.
Ramadhan dan Ramona

Terang Bulan di Tengah Hari
Chaerul Umam
Zoraya Perucha, Slamet Rahardjo
Sora has to work really hard to support her family, by giving swimming lessons and being a model, as her husband Sony is unreliable. But with the help of an idealist young lawyer, Singgih, and a loyal friend, Devina, Sora manages to survive.
Full Moon at Mid-Day

Hati yang Perawan
Chaerul Umam
Sitoresmi Prabuningrat, El Manik
Since childhood, Nanin’s parents taught her to be a pious woman and show devotion to her husband. But Nanin has difficulties in expressing it, although her marriage with Hendrawan has been blessed with two children. As a husband, Hendrawan neglects his wife’s feelings. Hendrawan, who lives in Jakarta, starts to cheat with another woman, Eva. Eva even tells Nanin, in Bandung, about her marriage plan with Hendrawan. When Nanin’s inner turmoil reaches its peak, she meets Salman, a student of ITB (Institute of Technology, Bandung). Nanin and Salman share similar views towards life, which make them really close. Hendrawan finds out about this relationship and he is jealous. At the same time, Nanin files for divorce. Hendrawan’s mother tries to prevent the separation while her husband blames Nanin for not being able to take care of him. Nanin doesn’t care anymore. After Salman gets his engineering degree, their friendship gets closer and divorce is inevitable.
Hati yang Perawan

Tiga Sekawan
Chaerul Umam
Ateng, Iskak
An argument erupts within a well-known touring theater group that separates the three friends from their primadona, Ernie Djohan. Kris Biantoro, Ernie’s boyfriend, takes advantage of this chaos, to take over the group. So the three friends start a new group, and fortunately they successfully launch their careers in film.
Tiga Sekawan