Álvaro Viguera
Sebastián Lelio
Paulina García, Sergio Hernández
Gloria is a 58-year-old divorcée. Her children have all left home but she has no desire to spend her days and nights alone. Determined to defy old age and loneliness, she rushes headlong into a whirl of singles’ parties on the hunt for instant gratification – which only leads to repeated disappointment and enduring emptiness. But when Gloria meets Rodolfo, an ex-naval officer seven years her senior, she begins to imagine the possibility of a permanent relationship.

Quiero entrar
Roberto Farías
Eduardo Orellana, Gabriela Aguilera
A man wants to become a TV-star and he will try anything despite his advanced age and what everyone says about him and his lack of talent and charisma for the job. But while he starts getting closer to his goal, his house starts crowding with unwanted guests.
Quiero entrar

Las hormigas asesinas
Alberto Fuguet
Benjamín Vicuña, Cristina Peña y Lillo
Paul Kazan can't sleep. He wanders through empty streets. Why is the city of Santiago empty. At night, Kazan is a DJ at the 'Insomnia' disco, one of the few places where there are people. Something is happening. Something weird. There are rumors. Rumors of killer ants and epidemics ...
Las hormigas asesinas