André Godinho
2021André Godinho is a director working in film and theatre.
No Trilho dos Naturalistas: Angola
André Godinho
In 1927, Luís Wittnich Carrisso, professor at the Coimbra University, travels to Angola to study the local flora. Second episode of a series of 4 documentaries on the Botanical history of Portugal.
No Trilho dos Naturalistas: Angola

Португалия, документальный
Ponto Morto
André Godinho
Soraia Chaves, Rita Só
Two lovers hit the road for a holiday. They find a car that has been hit, and a dead woman by the accident. Two production assistants try to leave the set, but all the roads seem to hit the same spot, where they find a dead woman that walks.
Idle Road

Португалия, приключения