Won Jun Yu
1919 - 1998Chunhyangjeon
Won Jun Yu, Yong-gyu Yoon
Yong Suk Kim, Yong Suk Kim
A tender hearted young noble man, Mong Ryong, falls in love with the famous Chun Hyang, the most beautiful girl of a Korean village, who is also a pure hearted artist but unfortunately from a humble family. This forbidden love yields a secret marriage which is doomed when Mong Ryong departs for Seoul to pass state exams and his absence lasts three years, during which no news is heard of him. Meanwhile, the arrival of an infamous new sheriff puts Chun Hyang in great peril when she refuses to break her marriage and obey the desires of the sheriff.
The Tale of Chun Hyang

내 고향
Hong-sik Kang
Won Jun Yu, Ye-bong Mun
This was the first feature film to be produced after the liberation of North Korea. It gives a pictures of boundless joy and emotion of the Korean people who are now liberated from the colonial yoke of Japanese imperialism thanks to the glorious anti-Japanese struggle organized and led by the great leader Comrade Kim Il-Sung. Unable to endure the insult of the landlord, Gwan Pil gives vent to his rage. Because of this, the Japanese imperialists deprive him of his tenant land and put him in jail where he gains class consciousness under the influence of a KPA operative.
My Home Village

Hong-sik Kang
Won Jun Yu, Hak Pak
The main character of the film, Man-sik Kim, is a fighter of the Korean People's Army. Through his bravery and resourcefulness in battle, he crushed the enemy's air superiority and dealt a crushing blow to the enemy.
The Combat Unit of a Fighter Plane

북두칠성은 보이건만
Ryu Ho-son, Chong-sik Min
Un Bon Ten, Ay-han Kim
About the plight of poor man Dek Sam and his daughter Bok Sir, expelled from the north of Korea by supporters of the South Korean regime of Singman Ri, who, like thousands of other unemployed, are doomed to terrible hardships and poverty.
I can see the Big Dipper

신혼 부부
Dong-in Joo
Ye-bong Mun, Won Jun Yu
В лирических и патетических тонах в киноленте рассказана история молодожёнов, работающих на железной дороге (супруг — машинист, а его молодая жена стоит у токарного станка), у обоих непростой характер и свои взгляды на жизнь, но они вместе принимают активное участие в экономическом восстановлении страны после Корейской войны.
The Newlyweds