Stéphane Benhamou
2021Gainsbourg, toute une vie
Stéphane Benhamou, Sylvain Bergère
Serge Gainsbourg died on March 2, 1991, at the age of 62. If the general public has remained on his television appearances of the 80s, the fact remains that Gainsbourg had several careers before these last years. With Gainsbourg stripped of his masks, this is the theme of this self-portrait documentary: "In the end, I was left with the watermark of this shy and secretive child who implies candor, innocence, insubordination and savagery". Each sequence of this modest and passionate portrait reveals a secret, intimate, funny and touching Gainsbourg, at a good distance from Gainsbarre, his last public face.
Gainsbourg, toute une vie

Le fantastique Mr Murray
Stéphane Benhamou
Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd
Bill Murray is considered by many of his fans to be "the coolest man in the world". But how is it that this actor, who for a long time did little more than a few weird performances with strangers and crazy improvisations on TV shows, is now better known than many of his fellow actors with far more impressive filmographies? Although the film "Groundhog Day" was published a quarter of a century ago, the cult surrounding the American improvisational talent has never died down and is now becoming almost irrational. The documentary, peppered with interviews from companions and confidants, follows in Murray's footsteps and tries to fathom where the unique fascination for this man comes from. Starting with the theater in his hometown of Chicago, to the TV shows of the satirical magazine "National Lampoon" and the legendary comedy show "Saturday Night Live" to his checkered film career.
Fantastic Mr. Murray

10 mai 1981 : Changer la vie ?
Stéphane Benhamou
Anna Mouglalis, Ségolène Royal
Fourty years ago, in May 1981, with François Mitterrand's election, some people were letting themselves dream about a better life while others were predicting the coming of soviet tanks upon the Champs-Élysées. If we gladly remember the turning point of austerity in 83, there were also the wage rises, the fifth week of paid leave, the abolition of death penalty, the decriminalisation of homosexuality, or the advent of independent radio stations. Rare archives and accounts by those who were at the heart of this story give an overview of it and shed light on lesser-known aspects.
10 mai 1981 : Changer la vie ?