Emma Rozanski
The Whisper Stop
Emma Rozanski
Jan Langford Penny, Donna Brooks
Five passengers encounter a mysterious woman on a train. While we strain to hear their whispers, we are confronted by the passengers' reactions. Dark and secretive, this journey will leave you with questions playing on your mind.
The Whisper Stop

Австралия, драма
Pisma sa krajeva svijeta
Gonzalo Escobar Mora, Emma Rozanski
A world in lock-down. As a global pandemic unfolds, 13 international filmmakers pen cinematic letters from their places of isolation, whether home or far from home. A work of accidental science-fiction from the Bistrik7 collective, graduates of Béla Tarr's Sarajevo film.factory.
Letters from the Ends of the World

Босния и Герцеговина, драма