Naoyuki Tsuji
2021Yoru no Okite
Naoyuki Tsuji
"Yoru no Okite" takes us to the sky (or to hell) to accompany the delirium of a man who is assassinated. A different take on a spirit who is adrift after being murdered. This restless spirit takes us on a surreal journey through death, the after life, and back to the land of the living again.
A Rule of Dreams

Kiekaketa Monogataritachi no Tame ni
Naoyuki Tsuji
A somewhat dark and surreal tale by Naoyuki Tsuji. Our protagonist sets out on a journey in a world which starts at The Gate of Confusion. To complete his travels, he must meet various strange characters to relieve himself of his burdens and set himself free.
For Almost Forgotten Stories

シンキング アンド ドローイング 日本の新世紀アート・アニメーション
Naoyuki Tsuji, Norihiko Iki
The walls of video rental shops in Japan are lined with hundreds upon hundreds of animation DVDs, but experimental and art animation on DVD are rare. To remedy this situation, Image Forum put together this showcase of the work of contemporary avant-garde animators trained in Kyoto and Tokyo.
Thinking and Drawing: Japanese Art Animation of the New Millennium

Naoyuki Tsuji
A boy and his sister are nearly eaten by their father and they rush out of the house. They run away in their father’s car and wind up in the wilderness, where they meet a Giant and a Witch. This animation film in black & white charcoal drawings uses the sound of a bass guitar and combines a Japanese Manga feel with a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.
Children of the Shadows

Naoyuki Tsuji
Short film from animator Tsuji Naoyuki, who is known for his use of both charcoal and puppet animation. Wake Up is a dark and brooding animation epitomizing his story telling style by combining serene worlds and childlike images with darkness and nightmarish scenes.
Wake Up

Naoyuki Tsuji
A story set in a world before ours. A world in chaos where forces of good and evil fight and mingle. By doing so, it creates the chance to give birth to the new world. A couple of winged beings make love and fly away. They bear a child in an egg, and when the child opens its eyes they are immediately destroyed, one consumed by fire and the other by water. Mythical, elemental and mysterious, the world created by Tsuji is dangerous, menacing and suffuse with signs of apocalypse, but somehow simultaneously tender and compassionate. A Feather Stare at the Dark captures simple gestures and primal feelings and amplifies them, realising the non-verbal and non-literal with remarkable grace.
A Feather Stare at the Dark

Naoyuki Tsuji
This work is based on Chapter One of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen.The original text depicts a disaster brought about tools and technology.There is a connection between this theme and nuclear power plant accident that occurred in Japan in 2011. I attempted to create a new form of animation film through an interleaving depiction of the original story and a real accident.