Eduard Bocharov
1931 - 1989Серафим Полубес и другие жители земли
Viktor Prokhorov
Rodion Nahapetov, Eduard Bocharov
В российскую глубинку приезжает столичный искусствовед, который должен отобрать на зарубежную выставку картины деревенского художника-самоучки. Знакомство с художником, его односельчанами и чудесной девушкой Дашей заставляет героя по-новому взглянуть на себя и свою жизнь.
Серафим Полубес и другие жители земли

Маленький беглец
Eduard Bocharov, Teinosuke Kinugasa
Chiharu Inayoshi, Makiko Ishimaru
During a Soviet circus tour in Japan, a small street musician, Ken, meets a clown, Yuri Nikulin. Upon learning that his sick father is being treated in the Soviet Union, Ken sets off in search of him. The friendship of the great clown and the boy continues in Moscow.
The Little Runaway

Arkadiy Sirenko
Boris Shcherbakov, Oleg Borisov
Second half of the 1960s. Novikov, an employee of the apparatus, is a charming and successful functionary, married to the daughter of a former party leader. His life is a success — he has a status, a family, two children, as well as a young mistress — student Tanya, for whom he will never divorce... During the conflict at a youth construction site in Siberia, which he must repay, Novikov shows himself as an experienced dodger and a provocateur. Tanya's father, a war veteran and an honest worker, Ivan Dronov considers himself entitled to punish this scoundrel...

Eduard Bocharov
Aleksandr Barsov, Nikolai Nikitich
После смерти матери Ваньку отдали в ученье к сапожнику Аляхину. Нелегко ему живётся у хозяина. Ваньку заставляют няньчить ребёнка, а когда, случалось, он засыпал у люльки, его жестоко избивали. Били Ваньку за то, что начинал чистить селёдку с головы, били просто так... Мастеровые посылают Ваньку за водкой, заставляют красть у хозяина огурцы, издеваются над ним. Однажды, когда хозяева ушли в церковь, Ванька сел писать письмо дедушке о своём горьком житье-бытье. Он умолял дедушку взять его из мастерской, избавить от побоев и унижений. Кончив писать, Ванька вывел на конверте: "На деревню дедушке Константину Макарычу" и опустил в почтовый ящик письмо, которое никогда не найдёт своего адресата...

Arkadiy Sirenko
Tatyana Dogileva, Sergey Garmash
The saleswoman of the village store Pasha Nikitina generously distributed all the money from the proceeds to the villagers in debt, when they were left without a salary through the fault of the Chairman. The audit appeared suddenly — and Pasha began to demand money back. Not having received debts, the heroine turned for help to her brother, who immediately responded to her misfortune: he sent money and came himself…

Недопесок Наполеон III
Eduard Bocharov
Maksim Sidorov, Anna Zolotaryova
A young arctic fox Napoleon III, having escaped from animal farm, ended up in the village of Kovylkino. Following him, hunters, trappers, animal farm workers, a police detachment and correspondents came into the village. Thanks to the six-year-old preschooler Serpokrylov, everything ended well, and the people who took part in the pursuit of the young arctic fox returned to their business, having managed to tell about their dreams and about themselves.
Polar Fox Napoleon III

Наш честный хлеб
Oleksandr Muratov, Kira Muratova
Dmitri Milyutenko, Oleg Fandera
Makar has spent years overseeing work at a collective farm. After he is asked to retire, it is time for Makar's son to take the reins. Yet the farm workers' hopes are soon dashed, and it is up to Makar to right the ship.
Our Honest Bread

Седьмое небо
Eduard Bocharov
Alla Larionova, Nikolai Rybnikov
Столичная красавица Ксана знакомится с шахтопроходчиком Иваном Мазаевым и едет с ним в далекий южный городок. Но трудная шахтерская жизнь очень быстро надоедает ей. Она уезжает в Москву, но не может забыть Ивана…
Седьмое небо

Время летать
Aleksey Sakharov
Ivan Agafonov, Sergei Artsybashev
Nothing like this has ever happened and could not happen in any of the airports. However, according to the authors of the film-parable, this tragicomic story is directly related to reality. It turns out that in order to properly fly airplanes, sometimes it is enough to fly to one chief. Of course with his seats. However, it does not prevent that the passengers themselves are very eager to go on a flight…
Time to fly