Isabelle Favez
2021The 17th Annual Animation Show Of Shows
Isabelle Favez, Katelyn Howes
Mark Hadlow, Winona Mae
A theatrical compilation of new animated shorts, including: The Story of Percival Pilts (Janette Goodey & John Lewis, Australia/New Zealand); Tant de forest (Geoffrey Godet & Burcu Sankur, France); Snowfall (Conor Whelan, Ireland); The Ballad of Holland Island House (Lynn Tomlinson, U.S.); Behind the Trees (Amanda Palmer and Avi Ofer, U.S.); We Can't Live Without Cosmos (Konstantin Bronzit, Russia); Messages Dans L'Air (Isabel Favez, Switzerland); Stripy (Babak Nekooei & Behnoud Nekooei, Iran); Ascension (Thomas Bourdis, Martin de Coudenhove, Caroline Domergue, Colin Laubry & Florian Vecchione, France); Love In The Time of March Madness (Melissa Johnson and Robertino Zambrano, U.S. & Australia); World of Tomorrow (Don Hertzfeldt, U.S.)
The 17th Annual Animation Show Of Shows

Isabelle Favez
Lily Demuynck Deydier, Christian Léonard
Zibilla, a young zebra adopted by a couple of horses, is the laughing stock of her new schoolmates. She ends up hating her stripes. When she has her stuffed toy stolen, she takes off without a second thought to look for it and that is where her adventures begin...

Circuit marine
Isabelle Favez
"All you need is food," the Beatles could have sung if they had been inspired by Circuit marine, a whimsical fantasy about our cruel, carnivorous world. To be eaten or not to be eaten: that is the question for a ginger cat, a goldfish and a colourful parrot which a tender-hearted pirate tries to get to live happily together along with his hungry crew. We can only wonder who will be the next meal on this ship of food. As the ship pitches and rolls to a sprightly gypsy tune, the cat relentlessly pursues the goldfish, and even the parrot gets into the act. But who is predator and who is prey? Everyone ends up down someone's gullet. Isabelle Favez's colourful and humorous film is a tasteful reminder that we're all links in the food chain.
Circuit marine