Andreas Sulzer
2021Die Suche nach Hitlers Atombombe
Andreas Sulzer
Fictional film created by filmmaker Andreas Sulzer regarding the speculations of Nazi atomic bomb development. Primarily based around excavations of the Bergkristall bunker, known for manufacturing Messerschmitt Me 262 fighter aircraft.
The Search for Hitlers Bomb

A Voynich-kódex - A világ legrejtélyesebb kézirata
Klaus T. Steindl, Andreas Sulzer
It is the world’s most mysterious manuscript. A book, written by an unknown author, illustrated with pictures that are as bizarre as they are puzzling — and written in a language that even the best cryptographers have been unable to decode. No wonder that this script even has a part in Dan Brown’s latest bestseller “The Lost Symbol”.
The Voynich Code: The World's Most Mysterious Manuscript

The Vampire Princess
Klaus T. Steindl, Andreas Sulzer
Could Dracula have actually been a woman' In this fascinating investigation, archaeologists, historians, and forensic scientists uncover evidence that the legendary vampire was not modeled on a medieval count from Transylvania--but on the bizarre fate of a real 18th-century bohemian princess named Eleonore von Schwarzenberg.
The Vampire Princess