Dmitry Shadrin
Roman Dorofeev
Stepan Poryadin, Dmitry Shadrin
The plot of the film is based on the lyrical story of a young boy named Kirill. The film takes place on the first spring holiday 8th of March. On this day, the main character Kirill begin hilarious adventure in search of the bouquet for his mother.
Dmitry Shadrin, Tolluman Barashkov
His name is Caskil, he lives with his mother, very spoiled and naive, in general, a typical mother's son. He then dreams of becoming a great dancer, similar to Tsiskaridze, then no less a great builder, or even decided to go to the police to protect the world from evil, like a hero of an action movie.
Кэскил 2: Матч-реванш
Dmitry Shadrin, Alexey Egorov
The plot revolves around the theme of the return of Caskil's beloved, who left for Tehtyur, where Caskil and his friend go. Along the way, they are waiting for adventures, as well as the machinations of their opponents, who are also fighting for the heart of Faith.
Кэскил 2: Матч-реванш
Dmitry Shadrin, Alexey Egorov
There are many different professions in the world. Someone chooses their own business, for someone decide the circumstances or parents... But there is one person in the world for whom this choice was made by the stars. His recognition is to bring happiness to people, more precisely, to women. But one trip to Vietnam turns his whole stable life upside down. And now the stars are not able to tell him the right decision. He must accept it himself.
Konstantin Barashkov
Dmitry Shadrin, Petr Andreev
Молодой парень, поругавшись со своими родителями, угоняет машину и решает бежать. Его жизнь меняется в ту же минуту. И вот он, по вине случайно встреченной странной девушки, разбивает машину лидера криминальной группировки. И это - только начало его неприятностей. Погони, стрельба, взрывы, разбитые машины. Хочешь выжить? Беги!..
Dmitry Shadrin, Alexey Egorov
A teenage girl moves with her parents to Yakutsk from the ulus. Adults settle in a new place, and the teenager goes to a new school. Parents are immersed in their complex relationships, so they do not want to notice the problems and loneliness of their daughter. The guy spends all day aimlessly hanging around the streets with friends, just to spend as little time at home as possible. But his alcoholic mother and disabled brother are waiting for him at home. The only person who supports him and for whom he lives. Father and son. His father's profession is "Clown", and he wants more. He's smart, purposeful. His dream is to break free, to another world. They will be connected by an accident and will be reminded that you should be more attentive to your loved ones, that in difficult life situations it is worth remembering that there is always a way out!
Көҥүл боотурдар
Dmitry Shadrin, Roman Dorofeev
The action of the film takes place in distant harsh times, in the era of warring clans. But one day Tomoron Toyona from the "Birds" clan decided to put an end to the bloody war by organizing a big ysyah-friendship. The main prize of ysyakh is the beloved daughter of Tomoron Toyon. The one who first gets into the little bird - the symbol of the clan, will take a lovely girl to wife. But before an important event, under mysterious circumstances, the beauty is kidnapped.
Көҥүл боотурдар
Мин үрүҥ түүннэрим
Alexey Ambrosyev
Dmitry Shadrin
Наступило лето. Все студенты разъехались по домам, а Мичил остается на летние каникулы в общежитии, в ожидании судьбоносного ответа от Токийского университета. Мичил строит большие планы и уже видит себя успешным мужчиной в современном мире. Но тут судьба сталкивает его с грубой и наглой девушкой по имени Настя, которая рушит все его надежды на будущее. Жарким летом, когда ночью светло как днём, мы не спим и способны на любые глупости. И кто знает, как обернётся эта встреча.
My White Nights
Кэскил 3: Наследство
Dmitry Shadrin, Alexey Egorov
Your favorite characters go to the next level! Meet the final part of the trilogy: the large-scale, dangerous and even funnier adventures of Kaskil and Vitka. This time they go to a distant land, where they are waiting for the treasure bequeathed to Caskil by his grandfather. Arriving at the place, our heroes find out that they are not the only contenders for the inheritance. Loyal friends Caskil and Vitek join together in the fight against rivals. But in the end, it is Caskil who will have to unleash unexpected powers, risk his life and come together in a battle with a second contender for a fabulous inheritance that will go to only one!
Кэскил 3: Наследство