Koldo Almandoz
1973 (52 года)Belarra
Koldo Almandoz
Iker Pernas, Ainara Gurrutxaga
A woman steps out of the shower, gets dressed and goes out to the field behind the farmhouse with her son in her arms to hang some sheets out to dry. In the distance, a man is cutting the grass. Suddenly, the child, who was sitting in a basket, gets up and walks off into the grass...

Deus et Machina
Koldo Almandoz
Ramón Agirre, Urduri S.L.
The employee comes to the factory every day. He is the only person who is qualified to do his particular job. It is precise, mundane, and repetitive work. Every morning he goes through the same drill, starting up each machine. Today, though, he has made a decision...
Deus et Machina

Sîpo phantasma
Koldo Almandoz
Maider Intxauspe, Itsaso Azkarate
A sinister tale of ships and shipwrecks, love and cinema, ghosts and vampires. Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, his wife Florence Balcombe and her relationship with Oscar Wilde. Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau and the lurking shadow of Count Orlok, the undead, the nosferatu. A mysterious cruise ship, a profaned tomb, an exciting adventure.
Ghost Ship

Koldo Almandoz
Laulad Ahmed, Erika Olaizola
Khalil is a young man torn from his roots who lives on the edge of town, where the industrial estates merge into the river and the marshes. Khalil gets by as best he can and spends his time with an old poacher, who shares a house on the riverbank with a brother he hasn't spoken to in years. On the banks of the marshes, the tides mark the time of love and heartbreak, of friendship and revenge.
The Deer

Sailor's Grave
Isabel Herguera, Juan Camilo González
The horrors of a shipwreck, the bells of aforgotten lighthouse and the coming and going of the tides surround a tale about the sea. 'Sailor’s Grave' is the result of a workshop based on a work method taking its inspiration from the exquisite corpse game, a mechanism of collective creation where the participants manipulate and transform one another's drawings to construct an intuitive, improvised narration.
Sailor's Grave