Pedro Amalio López
2021Las brujas de Salem
Pedro Amalio López
Francisco Piquer, Irene Gutiérrez Caba
Salem, Massachusetts, 1692. When the local authorities and various inhabitants begin to believe that there are witches among them, a collective hysteria is born and spreads rapidly through the village as if it were a plague, causing a chain of tragic consequences…
Las brujas de Salem

Julio César
Pedro Amalio López
Ismael Merlo, Arturo López
After Pompey's defeat at the Battle of Farsalia, Julius Caesar becomes the beacon of the Roman Republic and the master of its destiny; but many patricians want to avoid the birth of a tyranny and plot to assassinate him…
Julio César

El canto de la cigarra
Pedro Amalio López
José Bódalo, Maribel Martín
The teenage Bisbi, who plays the role of mother to her younger siblings, is the daughter of the indolent Aris, someone who just observes the passing of the years, hoping that circumstances will provide what his family may need, like the cicada in the fable; even when Bisbi tries to make him understand that their survival depends on their personal effort, which is what the industrious ant did every day…
El canto de la cigarra