Elizabeth Brissenden
2021Moon Manor
Machete Bang Bang, Elizabeth Brissenden
Debra Wilson, Lou Taylor Pucci
Today is Jimmy's last day alive. His Alzheimer's is worsening, so he's decided to die like he has lived - with intention, humor, and zest. In his last day on Earth, Jimmy will show an obituary writer, his death doula, his estranged brother, his caretaker, a surreal being, and the guests at his fabulous FUN-eral, that perhaps the art of living is the art of dying.
Moon Manor

House of Bodies
Alex Merkin
Terrence Howard, Queen Latifah
While indulging his appetite for the grim and gruesome by patronizing a voyeuristic Web site that's based in a house where a serial killer once lived, a hearing-impaired boy begins to suspect that the site's violence is more than just make-believe.
House of Bodies