Nele Wohlatz
2021La mochila perfecta
Nele Wohlatz
An ecologist from Germany and her filmmaker daughter who lives in Argentina meet in Cuba to film a documentary on snails. The mother has worked for years helping her colleagues in Cuba protect the polymita picta snails, which are facing extinction. She has her own ideas on how to make the documentary and the daughter follows her lead. However, when the authorities ban the shooting, the course of the film changes: it is no longer about the snails, but they themselves become the protagonists.
The Perfect Backpack

Ricardo Bär
Nele Wohlatz, Gerardo Naumann
Ricardo Bär, Inés Bär
Ricardo Bar (22) is a young man who lives with his family in a little farm, in the border of Brazil and Argentina. There is mainly the jungle and the settlers, descendants of German immigrants. Ricardo doesn't want to inherit his father's land; he wants to become a pastor. Problems begin when Ricardo and the community tell the directors to stop shooting and leave. From that moment on Ricardo Bar tells two stories: one about a deal, the directors' offer to Ricardo in order to be able to shoot the film, and the other about Ricardo's life at this moment, his reaction to the director's offer, reenacted for the camera.
Ricardo Bär