Paul Glabicki
2021Five Improvisations
Paul Glabicki
The diagrammatic space first entered in Diagram Film becomes the stage for temporal, rhythmic, informational and spatial play with a single diagram (a 144-drawing cycle) that refers to the film and animation process, animation history, specific filmmakers and other encoded data. The arrangement of the drawings for each of the five sequences was improvised on the animation during the act of shooting, creating five variations and possible readings of the animated composition.
Five Improvisations

Paul Glabicki
The film is a journal (drawn by hand over a period of four years), opera, and journey through 100 animated sequences which are joined and transformed by 100 film wipes in continuous successsion. The film is a synthesis of both abstract and figurative imagery, analysis and commentary, writing and multiple languages, multi-layered sounds and music, lyrical and contrapuntal relationships, and elaborate animated compositions. The film plays with the thresholds of change between intuition and analytical thinking, as well as between what is read or heard as "figurative" or "abstract." The various animation sequences range from pure geometric abstraction to symbols, metaphors and icons (boxing ring, car, chair, airplanes, steps).

Paul Glabicki
A collage of footage and audio captured off of television during the course of one night. The footage is reshot and hand-tinted, giving it a ghastly effect, and becomes (as Glabicki describes) "religious drama, murder mystery, musicals, horse races and horror films."

Diagram Film
Paul Glabicki
DIAGRAM FILM alternates shots of planes, cars and people walking with comically elaborate moving diagrams of them. And sometimes it reverses itself, as when a group of triangles is replaced by a shot of tepees. The diagrams head off into fantastic Rube Goldberg machine movements, with details undergoing constant transformation.
Diagram Film