Claudio Pazienza
2021Tableau avec chutes
Claudio Pazienza
Claude Semal, Noël Godin
A journey inside a picture thus offers the opportunity to travel through Belgium at the approach of the 21st century, and also to bring up a host of questions an what the eye sees: what do we see disappearing under our very eye? Why do we look at specific things? What is a point of view?
Painting with Falls

Scènes de chasse au sanglier
Claudio Pazienza
A wild boar hunt, a taxidermist’s skill and the loyal reproduction of Etienne-Jules Marey’s chronophotographic gun, all these the premises for an intimate voyage. An interior voice questions images far off and close. It questions the confusion felt when faced with images. Those images “to part ways with “and those “to invent”. As if this invention could render a lost beauty. Not an exercise in nostalgia, but an unplanned incursion into a universe where all things untangle themselves.
Scenes From A Wild Boar Hunt

Esprit de bière
Claudio Pazienza
Esprit de bière (Beer) is a kind of attempt on an archaeological liquid, mixing the skills of playing truant and the quest for oneself. It makes its own investigation around this gol den drink as a police officer would do around some trivial event. Beer is first analysed as a substanc e, as a matter (real, chemical, physical,...). Then its own cycle will be careful ly studied. The Cycles reach every men in their wishs to create links and exchanges. The Cycles remind us that even beer can be a matter to think about.

Oggi è primavera
Claudio Pazienza
Nathalie Egger, Annerose Goyet
A street with pedestrians. Music. A voice reads the credits and clarifies, "This is a very violent film." The action begins: a man crosses the street and enters his flat. He opens the door, puts out the fire under the kettle whistling in the kitchen, and enters the living room…
Oggi è primavera