Alexandr Babaev
2021В поисках мамы
Ruslan Akun
Azamat Ulanov, Taukel Musilim
A precocious orphan from Central Asia comes to America to find his long lost mother. Along the way he befriends a down on his luck small time hustler, and together they set in motion a daring scheme to solve all their problems. However, things don't go according to plan.
Finding Mother

Неадекватные люди 2
Roman Karimov
Ilya Lyubimov, Ingrid Olerinskaya
Kristina lives with Vitaly in a quiet family life, but her sarcastic world view does not coincide with Vitaly’s ideals. While she is engaged in household chores, he spends more and more time at work, and Kristina begins to suspect that this is somehow connected with the appearance of his young assistant Sonya in the office.
Inadequate People 2

Ряд 19
Alexandr Babaev
Svetlana Ivanova, Wolfgang Cerny
A young female doctor and her 6-year-old daughter are on an overnight flight in a violent storm. When passengers on the half-empty plane inexplicably begin to die, the woman’s grip on reality weakens and she is forced to relive her worst childhood nightmare.
Row 19

Bornless Ones
Alexandr Babaev
Michael Johnston, Mark Furze
With the help of her friends, Emily moves to a remote home to take better care of her brother, Zack who is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. But what they don't know is that the house is keeping a terrifying secret that will haunt them one by one.
Bornless Ones

Тайный Санта
Alexandr Babaev
Zoya Berber, Roman Kurtsyn
Lawyer Svetlana Sokolova has been working in Maksim's company since its inception, and they can't stand each other for the same amount of time. Maksim would have got rid of Svetlana long ago, but he understands that it is not so easy to find a replacement for her. Svetlana this New Year is finally going to arrange her personal life. The team decided to hold a presentation of gifts from Secret Santa, and Svetlana planned a trip to the recreation center for herself and Stas, an employee she likes, but still won't take the first step. However, everything does not go according to plan and the invitation goes to Maksim. Svetlana would like to run away, but Maksim intends to have a good rest, and she, in turn, decides to ruin his holiday.
Secret Santa