Pierre Coré
2021L'Aventure des Marguerite
Pierre Coré
Alice Pol, Clovis Cornillac
Margot and Marguerite are 12-year-old girls who seem no different from any other youngsters with the usual family and peer problems. While they appear to have similar faces and body shapes, they wear different clothes and hairstyles, but the biggest difference between them is that one lives in 1942 and the other in 2020. When the girls crawled into a wooden chest they were magically sent into each other’s timeline, and because the girls look so similar their family and friends do not notice the swap.
The Fantastic Journey of Margot & Marguerite

Belle et Sébastien : Nouvelle génération
Pierre Coré
Aurélien Recoing, Michèle Laroque
10-year-old Sebastien reluctantly spends his vacation in the mountains with his grandmother and aunt. Helping them with the sheep is hardly an exciting prospect for a city boy like him - but that is without considering his encounter with Belle, a huge dog mistreated by her owner. Ready to do anything to fight injustice and to protect his new-found friend, Sebastien will spend the craziest summer of his life.
Belle and Sebastian: Next Generation