Renita Lintrop
2021Ma olen väsinud vihkamast
Renita Lintrop, Hannes Lintrop
Jarl Karjatse, Martin Algus
This modern western depicting juvenile crime takes as its theme the struggle of an individual against a vicious circle of violence. The spiral of violence and revenge is only broken when one person conquers himself and refuses to continue the vendetta. Siim, a 14-year old who grew up in the streets, is only spared the violence because he has a natural antipathy to it. Ultimately he too is caught up in the fighting when he tries to save money for his girlfriend's Christmas gift and the cash is stolen.
Too Tired to Hate

Cogito, ergo sum
Renita Lintrop, Hannes Lintrop
Karl Peterson, an old farmer, living alone in his poor house in a neglected village of Uus-Kiislova, Põlva county, where his household once bloomed. Despite the war, deportations, collectivization, distrainment and other crimes agains humanity Karl never joined the collective farm. He was terrorized, abused and imprisoned but he remained true to himself.
Cogito, ergo sum