Tatiana Toffoli
Tatiana Toffoli
"Louceiras" portraits the daily life of the last ceramists of the Brazilian indigenous ethnic group Kariri-Xocó, who earn a living from clay. They inherit a tradition passed from mother to daughter concerning the art of choosing, manufacturing and cooking clay pots and pans. Living in a village by the São Francisco river in the city of Porto Real do Colégio(AL), they share with their people the secret of medicinal herbs, the Toré dance, the labour songs (rojão) and the secret of Ouricuri.

Pessoas - Contar para Viver
Tatiana Toffoli, Marcelo Machado
Five documentary filmmakers were invited to dive into the collection of the Museu da Pessoa and to propose rereadings and authorclippings from the life stories of Brazilians who passed through the museum.
Pessoas - Contar para Viver