Matthew Asner
1963 (61 год)100 Voices: A Journey Home
Danny Gold, Matthew Asner
A musical documentary that uniquely tells the history of Jewish culture in Poland. It highlights the current resurgence of Jewish culture through the personal reflections and musical selections of a group of cantors and acclaimed composer Charles Fox ("Killing Me Softly", "I Got A Name" and many more) who made an important historical mission to the birthplace of Cantorial music. The documentary will give generations the opportunity to learn about and re-embrace the Jewish culture that produced one of the most artistic and educated societies that once flourished in Europe. Above all, the film celebrates the resilience and the power of Jewish life, while telling the story of two peoples who shared intertwined cultures.
100 Voices: A Journey Home

It Is No Dream: The Life Of Theodor Herzl
Richard Trank
Ben Kingsley, Christoph Waltz
The latest production of Moriah Films is It Is No Dream: The Life of Theodor Herzl, exploring the life and times of Theodor Herzl, father of the modern state of Israel. Narrated by Academy Award winner, Sir Ben Kingsley and starring Academy Award winner Christoph Waltz as the voice of Theodor Herzl, the film examines how Herzl, a well known journalist and playwright, an assimilated, Budapest born Jew, horrified by the Dreyfus trial in Paris and the anti-Semitism he saw spreading across Europe, took upon himself the task of attempting to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine against all odds. Over the span of 8 years, Herzl organized and led a worldwide political movement that within 50 years led to the establishment of the state of Israel. The film follows Herzl as he meets with Kings, Prime Ministers, Ambassadors, a Sultan, a Pope and government ministers from Constantinople to St. Petersburg, from Paris to Berlin, from Vienna to Vilna in his quest to build a Jewish nation.
It Is No Dream: The Life Of Theodor Herzl

The Next Nostradamus
Danny Gold, Matthew Asner
Many are overly familiar with the eerily prescient foretellings of 16th Century French prophet Michel de Nostradame, (1503-66). But few may realize that an early 21st century equivalent of Nostradamus began making prophecies comparable to those of the Middle Ages' most prominent seer - with the aid of a computer -in the late 1980s. Dr. Bueno de Mesquita's prophecies (unlike Nostradame's) were concrete enough that they actually enabled observers to predict events before those events occurred, including the second Intifada and the crackdown at Tianamen Square by the Chinese government. Then, de Mesquita emerged with a host of much darker and more foreboding prophecies including famine, World War III, and the arrival of the Antichrist.
The Next Nostradamus

Night Life
David Acomba
Scott Grimes, John Astin
Archie works part-time at his uncle's mortuary and is harassed by a few of the popular kids because of it. His harassers die in an automobile accident, and the bodies are taken to his uncle's mortuary. Archie is pulling a late night at the mortuary when he sees a storm brewing. Lighting strikes! They're alive! The preppie bullies continue to torment him...as zombies!
Night Life