Igor Bezinović
2021Veruda - film o Bojanu
Igor Bezinović
Bojan Bešić
Bojan is 24. He spent four and a half years of his life in prisons in Turopolje, Sisak, Glina, Remetinec, Pula, Zagreb and Rijeka. He spent 20 years of his life in the Pula neighborhood called Veruda.
Veruda - a Film About Bojan

Igor Bezinović
The Blockade is a unique view from within on the most massive, longest, and politically most significant student protest in the country, since 1971, that started in April of 2009 at the Faculty of humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. The struggle against the commercialization of education and the blockade of teaching classes lasted for 34 days. The rebellion spread onto more than 20 faculties across the country and the students became an active and relevant political subject. The director followed everything: from the exhilarating preparation meetings and blocking of classes to the first signs of exhaustion, through personal situations and discussions late at night, from the initial support of most faculty members to the moment they turned their back to the movement and the attempt to reach the missing minister of education. This film shows that the blockade was not just physical and that it has a much broader meaning.
The Blockade

Mikrokazeta – najmanja kazeta koju sam ikad vidio
Igor Bezinović, Ivana Pipal
Đorđe Branković, Petra Zlonoga
Among the garbage heaps of a big landfill on a Croatian island, Zoki uncovers a microcassette. A close study of the discarded object serves as a tribute to chance and imagination.
Microcassette – The Smallest Cassette I've Ever Seen

Od Kršana do Peroja
Igor Bezinović
A raucous snapshot that beautifully captures a fading culture of mischievous limericks set to traditional music. For the people of Croatia's rural Istria, raunchy humor and expressive dialect are an affirmation of their cultural traditions, along with a serving of home-grown food, wine and an abundance of joyous laughter.
From Kršan to Peroj

The Lovetts
Igor Bezinović
Emma Lovett, Eddie Lovett
Mr. & Mrs. Lovett live out their (sex) lives in full public view in front of a permanently connected webcam, which frames their spartan living room like a human aquarium. This is all we see of their lives - but it's not so little after all. The young couple are driven business people, and they flirt, strip and screw for the benefit of the camera and the customers on the receiving end. The Croatian filmmaker Igor Bezinovic has created a surreal and funny take on a piece of avant-garde 'adult entertainment' from one of the internet's seedy corners. But he also documents a performance culture, which dissolves the boundaries between the private and public spheres and a parallel economy of images. A hedonistic and thoroughly commercialised culture, where supply and demand have taken on an entirely new and absurd meaning.
The Lovetts

Kratki izlet
Igor Bezinović
Ante Zlatko Stolica, Mladen Vujčić
Stola has been spending his summer in the sweltering haze of festival parties. But one day, he runs into Roko, an old acquaintance, who is on a mission to discover medieval frescoes at a nearby monastery. Roko convinces Stola and a random group of partygoers to join him in his search. However, when their bus breaks down in the middle of nowhere, their brief excursion turns into an allegorical journey into the unknown.
A Brief Excursion

Igor Bezinović
Imagine joint demonstrations of students and farmers! Such an improbable encounter happened on the Feast of Corpus Christi in 2009 on Vukovarska street in Zagreb, when students from Faculty of Social Sciences came to support the farmers' demonstrations in front of the building of Ministry of Agriculture. In spite of the fact that this event was present in all the media, this film is the only video recording of this unusual one-day encounter of students and farmers. Euphoric student night and sobering farmers' day; media-conscious activism and heavy machines on the streets; plenary form of organization and quarreling farmers' associations - these are just some of the manifestations of this unexpected alliance.
An Encounter