Richard O. Moore
2021USA: Poetry: Frank O'Hara and Ed Sanders
Richard O. Moore
This episode focuses on Frank O'Hara and Ed Sanders. Assistant Curator of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Frank O'Hara belongs, with Kenneth Koch and John Ashbery, to the "New York Poets" group. His work is characterized by acid wit. Ed Sanders is publisher of an underground literary magazine, a pacifist and leader of a rock and roll group known as "The Fugs". Both poets challenge the prevailing prejudices of our society. For Ed Sanders this has already led to some legal difficulties.
USA: Poetry: Frank O'Hara and Ed Sanders

The Long Walk
Philip Greene
Phillip Greene, Richard O. Moore
Mr. Greene recollects Navajo history through interviews with ancient tribesmen and reports on contemporary conditions, with emphasis on the progress being made at Rough Rock School in contrast with a BIA boarding school in Utah. Rough Rock is the "experimental" institution set up to give the Native Americans direct control of the process by which their children can be educated to function, productively and with a sense of identification, in two totally different worlds.
The Long Walk