Daniel Nolasco
Daniel Nolasco
Paulistas and Soledade are two rural regions located in the state of Goiás. In the early nineties the rural exodus was intensified with the expansion of monoculture farming and exploitation of water resources. Since 2014, there is no more young people living in the region. It's July, vacation time. Time when the children visit their parents.

Vento Seco
Daniel Nolasco
Leandro Faria Lelo, Allan Jacinto Santana
The area around Catalan in Brazil’s state of Goiás is dry, very dry. Sandro’s life here is somewhat monotonous. He works in a fertiliser factory, goes swimming and spends his evenings doing jigsaw puzzles of landscapes. When Maicon, a man straight out of a Tom of Finland illustration, shows up in their small town and flirts with Ricardo, Sandro’s burgeoning feelings of jealousy set a change in motion.
Dry Wind

Daniel Nolasco, Felipe Fernandes
Professional wrestling is also known as lucha libre and puroresu. FILL - Federação Internacional de Luta Livre - is one of the most important academies in the Brazilian independent scene. Their shows usually take place in the court of an old sports club in Vicente de Carvalho, North of Rio de Janeiro. "Tatame" is an effective portrait of the biggest stars of FILL; from their daily routine to the transformations they go through to become the main characters of the show.

Mr. Leather
Daniel Nolasco
Dom Barbudo, Dom PC
Dom Barbudo, a pioneer in the São Paulo gay and BDSM community and elected first Mister Leather Brasil in 2017, prepares to pass on the mantle to one of the four contestants in the second edition of the contest.
Mr. Leather

Male Shorts: International V1
Daniel Nolasco, Antony Hickling
The first volume of an international collection of five short films focusing on men, including: Just Past Noon on a Tuesday (2018); Neptune [Netuno] (2017); P.D (2014); The Mousetrap [La tapette] (2016); The Storm [La tempête] (2017).
Male Shorts: International V1

Male Shorts: International V2
Santiago Henao Vélez, Benjamin Bodi
The second volume of an international collection of five short films focusing on men, including: Enter (2018); Free Fall [Caída libre] (2018); Haze [Ocaso] (2014); Mr. Fox [Sr. Raposo] (2018); Twice [Due volte] (2018).
Male Shorts: International V2