Alexandra Sokolovskaya
1981 (43 года)В 2009 году закончила ВГИК (второе высшее образование). Работает режиссёром, сценаристом, режиссёром монтажа, организатором концертов. Участвует в режиссёрских театральных лабораториях. Многодетная мать.
Закон исключённого третьего, или третьего не дано
Alexandra Sokolovskaya
Yuliya Aug, Mariya Ivashchenko
Literary magazine editor mentally cheats on his young lover with his own wife, a university professor of Maths. He still feels the need in her fine and concise brain and their intellectually rich and direct discussions. After having a crash on the young girl he rejoins his wife. The constant irony helps them find a compromise solution to what has happened. But the real challenge is deeper, than usual crisis of the middle age and sexual dissatisfaction. The small family is broken apart together with the society.
The Law of the Excluded Third or No Third Is Given
Россия, комедия