Andy Kumpon
Chris Mack, Andy Kumpon
Yuri Lowenthal, Andy Kumpon
A man breaks into a suburban house and ties up the owner as hostage, believing him to be the mass murderer who killed his young daughter. But not just a regular serial killer-this man may be a for real monster who is using the internet to capture his victims. And he then begins to introduce his captor to his world.

Gary Malick, Andy Kumpon
Julie Chapin, Jeff Gallup
One day, while using a popular broadcasting video app, a teenage girl named Katie discovers the truth about the urban myth known as The Old Knitty. They say that if you stumble upon Knitty's live stream, and she happens to see you watching, she'll call out your name, and mark you. She will then haunt you via any electronic device you happen to own or be on.

Hollywood Scarefest: Premiere Edition!
Chris Meyer, Stephen Kellam
This is a collection of terrifying short films from the acclaimed Hollywood Scarefest festival. Blending horror, fantasy, and sci-fi, the directors of these award-winning shorts prove that terror comes in many forms.
Hollywood Scarefest: Premiere Edition!