Isaac Goes
2021Vigil, Split
Isaac Goes
A shot-for-shot in-camera recreation of an iPhone movie. Filmed over the course of 1 day from sunup to sundown. Constraint: Each individual shot in the iPhone cut (filmed and edited one month prior) was timed and each location mapped. Because the film was edited sequentially in-camera, physical movement through space was required in mimicking the cuts of the digital version - an unfolding of montage in real environments. The iPhone movie was constructed so as to form a map, the 16mm film is the traversing of the points plotted. Periodic shots of empty skies mark the passage of time through color. The film’s digital counterpart has been deleted.
Vigil, Split

Red Shift
Isaac Goes
Dylan Tachick, Marc Matchak
All galaxies appear to be moving away from each other. Over large distances, the further an object moves away from any given vantage point, the more the light waves emanating from it are stretched out before they reach it - resulting in lower and lower frequencies as it continues along its course. Within the spectrum of visible light, red light possesses the lowest frequency, meaning the further into the distance an object strays, the redder it appears from our slice of space and time.
Red Shift