J. Michael Long
2021Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy
J. Michael Long
Jim Marrs
Jim Marrs' best selling book comes to Film taking you deep into the conspiracy of John F. Kennedy's untimely death with visual and factual information that rules out the lone assassination theory. Jim Marrs takes you through the most important historical event of the 20th century - the assassination of a United States President.
Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy

Alien Contact: The Pascagoula UFO Encounter
J. Michael Long
Calvin Parker, Jr., J. Michael Long
A seminal alien abduction case is re-opened as new eye witnesses confirm the horrifying UFO encounter. Hear the true story from the lone survivor, Calvin Parker, with shocking details that have never before been exposed.
Alien Contact: The Pascagoula UFO Encounter

UFOs 1973: Aliens, Abductions and Extraordinary Sightings
J. Michael Long
J. Michael Long
UFO's 1973 Film takes you inside the Pascagoula Incident, the Charlie Hickson case, the Iran Pilot sighting, the Coyne case, the Jeffery Greenhaw case, and many more from around the world where in this landmark year, the strangest and most mind-bending cases in UFO history occurred.
UFOs 1973: Aliens, Abductions and Extraordinary Sightings

J. Michael Long
What happens to us when we die? It's a question man has asked since the beginning of time. Do we live briefly as physical beings then simply vanish into oblivion, or do we live on in spirit form? Why are we here, and how did we come to be here? Scientists may be closer to answering these and other questions than ever before with the largest study ever done on near-death and out-of-body experiences - the results of which have huge implications on how we view death. The results suggest that our consciousness does not get annihilated when we die. More than 8 million Americans have reported Near Death Experiences that include floating outside of their bodies, moving rapidly through a tunnel toward a light or seeing deceased loved ones. Perhaps death is not an end, but a beginning as we enter new worlds of existence we can only imagine.

Abducted by Aliens: UFO Encounters of the 4th Kind
J. Michael Long
Paul Hughes, O.H. Krill
Are we being taken by beings from outer space or another dimension? Countless individuals have very real memories of being taken secretly against their will by Alien entities. What is the depth to this conspiracy and what do the government and military factions know?
Abducted by Aliens: UFO Encounters of the 4th Kind

Bigfooting in Oklahoma
J. Michael Long
Esther Schritter, J. Michael Long
Journey with Bigfoot Researcher Esther Schritter as she interviews eyewitnesses of the most famous creature of cryptozoology,BIGFOOT! Esther recounts her own personal encounters with Bigfoot and speaks with others who have seen, heard, smelled and been up close and personal with a Sasquatch! From Oklahoma to the Pacific Northwest of America Esther takes you on her own personal quest to discover who, what and where Bigfoot is. You will see casts, footprints, evidence and even footage of what may be a Bigfoot in Oklahoma! Watch as average people like you tell of their own encounters with Bigfoot.
Bigfooting in Oklahoma

America's Alien Invasion: The Lost UFO Encounters
J. Michael Long
Most Americans have no idea that the White House was swarmed by UFOs not once but twice, once in 1952 and again in 1963. The government knows that UFOs are here. Explore this phenomenon that is destined to impact our very being because we are not alone. -
America's Alien Invasion: The Lost UFO Encounters

Born in Light: Tesla
J. Michael Long
O.H. Krill, Charles Thompsen
Nikola Tesla transformed the world with technology that was ahead of its time. Claiming to be in contact with aliens, he was ultimately prevented from pursuing his greatest inventions by a ruling elite concerned he would derail their systems of mass control.
Born in Light: Tesla

Aliens In Egypt
J. Michael Long
O.H. Krill
The Pyramids are the most epic monuments the world has ever seen, but the mystery of the true origins of these gargantuan edifices remains an enigma. Who really built these ancient megalithic structures and why were pyramids built in strategic locations all around the globe, then at a later date mysteriously abandoned seemingly overnight? In this space age, with its remarkable technological engineering and scientific advances, it is unfathomable that the construction of the pyramids and other amazing works of the ancient world could not be duplicated. New evidence of highly advanced, precision machining on Egypt's Giza plateau gives credence to the Ancient Alien hypothesis. This is further supported by glyphs of futuristic vehicles, bizarre flywheels and other artifacts and monuments cut with laser precision.
Aliens In Egypt

Aliens and Pyramids: Forbidden Knowledge
J. Michael Long
O.H. Krill, Simon Oliver
Pyramids can be found in the Middle East, Latin America, Asia, Europe and The North American Continent. How were they constructed, and what was their purpose? If man built the pyramids on his own, then we would expect there would be an enormous effort to record such an achievement. However, no culture that had pyramids has any clue how they were built. Apparently, they did not have the means, knowledge, or technology to do so. The theory that aliens from another world may have assisted in building the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt, and other pyramids, could explain how some of the most amazing and mysterious engineering feats in human history were accomplished. Evidence of highly advanced engineering exists within the Great Pyramid and around the Giza Plateau.
Aliens and Pyramids: Forbidden Knowledge

Alien Artifacts: The Outer Dimensions
J. Michael Long
Paul Hughes, O.H. Krill
As modern science strives to catch-up with the technological marvels of the ancient world, the evidence and research becomes ever more stupefying. Our notions of human evolution and civilization timelines are being turned upside down like never before. From the massive blocks in Lebanon, to the Dogu, small humanoid figures found in Japan resembling Aliens, to the astonishing stonework at Puma Punku and much more, explore the artifacts that continue confounding scientists and archaeologists alike
Alien Artifacts: The Outer Dimensions

Project Blue Book Exposed
J. Michael Long
Project Blue Book was the catalyst to the modern day UFO cover-up that still exists today. The startling fact is we may be in the same position now as we were then, as it relates to the phenomena. We are still in an age of denial about the magnitude of this phenomenon and what its implications mean for all mankind. Perhaps there are secret factions that have indeed communicated with alien entities and have received technology from them. But from the outside looking in, it appears nothing has changed as the UFOs continue to violate our airspace with impunity; and as before, military factions are powerless against the unknown invaders.
Project Blue Book Exposed

Dark Forces: Shadow People
J. Michael Long
J. Michael Long, O.H. Krill
A number of legends and belief systems describe dark spiritual or supernatural entities as well as various shadow creatures which have long been a staple of folklore and centuries old ghost stories. While some physiological and psychological conditions can account for experiences of shadow people, paranormal researchers don't all agree on whether or not they are evil. Some even speculate that shadow people may be the extra-dimensional inhabitants of another universe. One thing is for sure though, thousands of sane people are reporting dark, menacing apparitions lurking over them while sleeping and leaving them in a paralyzed state frozen with fear. Is this some new psychological phenomenon or intruders from some other nefarious dimension?
Dark Forces: Shadow People