Ekaterina Vesheva
2021Битва за Украину
Evgeny Grigoryev, Andrei Konchalovsky
In the film Battle for Ukraine Andrei Konchalovsky, the famous Russian director, analyzes how Ukraine, a former part of the Soviet Empire and present big European country, struggles to escape from the close embrace of the former big brother, Russia, and not to become one of the American satellites. This extensive study lasted for almost three years. Many Ukrainian, Russian and American historians, politicians and journalists took part in this study, as well as the ex-President of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski, the ex-President of Slovakia Rudolf Schuster, the ex-President of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze, the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan, the ex-Prime Minister of Russia Viktor Chernomyrdin, and the businessman Boris Berezovsky.
Battle for Ukraine

Русское краткое. Киноальманах «Один»
Tatyana Fedorovskaya, Alexey Shabarov
The "Alone Anthologyc" is a project of the Andrey Konchalovsky film company that combines short films of various genres by seven aspiring Directors who reflect on what happens when a person is left alone with himself.
Alone Anthology