Galen Fott
2021Mother Bruce
Galen Fott
Robertson Dean
Bruce the bear likes to keep to himself. That, and eat eggs. But when the goose eggs he plans to hard boil turn out to be real, live goslings, he starts to lose his appetite. And even worse, the goslings are convinced he's their mother. What's a bear to do?
Mother Bruce

The Very Impatient Caterpillar
Galen Fott
While other caterpillars are scampering up a tree to metamorphosize, one of them is still learning about the whole transformation thing. Who knew that with a little time and patience, he could become a beautiful butterfly? But the two-week wait inside his chrysalis feels interminable. The waiting is just so hard! Can he do it?
The Very Impatient Caterpillar

The Librarian from the Black Lagoon
Galen Fott
Diana Canova, Alexander Gould
based on the book of the same name, Hubie's class is going to visit the library for the first time, and rumor has it the library is a dark dungeon of rules and misery. Presiding over the ghastly proceedings is Mrs. Beamster, better known as: The Laminator. Hubie is sure he's doomed...but when he actually gets to the library, will things be as he expected?
The Librarian from the Black Lagoon

All the World
Galen Fott
Joanne Woodward
Following a circle of family and friends through the course of a day from morning till night, this film affirms the importance of all things great and small in our world, from the tiniest shell on the beach, to warm family connections, to the widest sunset sky.
All the World

Roberto the Insect Architect
Galen Fott, Jerry Hunt
Sean Hayes
A termite named Roberto tries to fulfill his dream of becoming an architect. He moves to the city so that he can become an architect and when he is there, he is influenced by great architects. Roberto finds ways to help the community and use his talents.
Roberto the Insect Architect

Max's Words
Galen Fott, Jerry Hunt
T.R. Knight
In this film, Benjamin and Karl have fascinating collections of stamps and coins, but they refuse to share with their little brother Max. So Max decides to start a collection of his own. Cutting up old newspapers and magazines, Max builds a collection of words. Stamp and coin collections can only get bigger, but with enough words, Max can soon create sentences. And when at last it’s time to write a story, his brothers can’t resist joining in. Max’s Words is a gentle tale of the transformative power of art, and how it can break down barriers and bring us together.
Max's Words

The Gym Teacher from the Black Lagoon
Galen Fott
Joey Stack, Galen Fott
This animated film centers around a boy named Hubie, the star of the many "Black Lagoon" books by Mike Thaler and Jared Lee. Hubie’s class is getting a new gym teacher, nicknamed “Coach Kong” for his barbaric treatment of the students. Hubie is sure he's doomed...but when he actually gets to gym class, will things be as he expected?
The Gym Teacher from the Black Lagoon

I'm Dirty!
Galen Fott
Steve Buscemi
Clank! Rattle! Bang! Who’s making all that noise? A backhoe loader, reporting for duty. Cleaning up a mess? Easy as pie. Make that a mud pie! Find out just how dirty a backhoe can get while doing its job. Who wants to be clean when it’s so much fun being dirty?
I'm Dirty!

Leo: A Ghost Story
Galen Fott
Nicol Zanzarella
Leo likes to draw. He makes delicious snacks. But most people can't even see him...because Leo is a ghost. When a new family moves into his home, Leo decides it is time to leave and see the world. That is how he meets Jane. And that is how their adventures begin.
Leo: A Ghost Story

Scaredy Squirrel at Night
Galen Fott
David de Vries
Scaredy Squirrel never sleeps — sleep might mean bad dreams about dragons, ghosts, vampire bats, and polka-dot monsters! So Scaredy plans to stay up all night and ward off all enemies with his Bad Dream Action Plan. Will fears and superstitions win the day? Watch and see!
Scaredy Squirrel at Night

Scaredy Squirrel
Galen Fott
David de Vries
Scaredy Squirrel never leaves his nut tree. It’s way too dangerous out there! Day after day he watches and waits, waits and watches, until one day...his worst nightmare comes true! Scaredy Squirrel suddenly finds himself out of his tree. As he leaps into the unknown, he discovers something really uplifting about himself!
Scaredy Squirrel

I'm Brave!
Galen Fott
Jonathan Banks, Galen Fott
He's a big red engine with a siren, a horn, a tank full of water, and a whole lotta hose! He's a good-lookin' fire truck — and he's brave, too — but when the alarm sounds, he's gotta drive through smoke and heat, straight to a blazing fire!
I'm Brave!